Termasuk buat bb yah om?

The world is divided into two types of people: good people who do good things, 
and bad people who do bad things - nothing else matters.

----- Reply message -----
From: "han" <tulal...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Sep 18, 2010 1:23 pm
Subject: [id-android] Re: Angry Birds Lite Beta 2 Arrives On Android
To: <id-android@googlegroups.com>

menurut info .. nambah hadset yg isa jalanin .. (lebih compatibel ginu lo)

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 12:02 PM, John @ivoryfill.com <vlo...@centrin.net.id
> wrote:

>  di incredible sudah running oke skrg Angry birdnys
> dulu pertama kali keluar susah banget stabilnya
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Ibnu Sina <punyai...@gmail.com>
> *To:* id-android@googlegroups.com
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 18, 2010 12:46 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [id-android] Re: Angry Birds Lite Beta 2 Arrives On Android
> wogh... ga jadi donlod deh kalo cuma nambah simbol :(
> 2010/9/17 Roin Tanoto <rotan...@gmail.com>
>> Setelah donlot, ternyata tidak tambah stage, cuma tambah symbol
>> facebook ama twitter....
>> On 9/17/10, Amin Fauzan <mi...@debianist.com> wrote:
>> > Tambah stage nya kah?  -sol
>> >
>> > On Friday, September 17, 2010, Roin Tanoto <rotan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Kayaknya terbaru d versinya....
>> >>
>> >> Belon dicoba, lagi donlot.....
>> >>
>> >> On 9/17/10, Muh Fitrah <fitrah...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>> dipasar malem juga ada qo
>> >>> tapi bedanya ama beta 1 apa ya
>> >>>
>> >>> On 17 September 2010 22:06, Roin Tanoto <rotan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> Horeeee....
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Angry Birds udah ada beta2.....
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Dari Angry Birds nya langsung kirim email ke aku....
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Katanya ada di market.....
>> >>>>
>> >>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> >>>> From: Angry Birds <announceme...@angrybirds.com>
>> >>>> Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 10:18:53 -0400
>> >>>> Subject: Angry Birds Lite Beta 2 Arrives On Android
>> >>>> To: Roin <rotan...@gmail.com>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Email not displaying correctly? [1]View it in your browser.
>> >>>> Angry Birds Lite Beta 2 Arrives On Android
>> >>>>  Links:
>> >>>>    1.
>> >>>>
>> http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=63b9f50404dc0d105599c267a&id=d7125f3e6a&e=07886ca7ae
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Angry Birds Lite Beta 2 is now available at the Android Market and
>> >>>> GetJar
>> >>>> [2]getjar.com/Angry-Birds-Lite-Beta. Please note that this is the
>> beta
>> >>>> version of the application, which is still undergoing final testing
>> >>>> before
>> >>>> official release. Angry Birds Lite Beta 2 is an unfinished version of
>> >>>> the
>> >>>> application and may not reflect the final gameplay.
>> >>>>  Links:
>> >>>>    2. http://getjar.com/Angry-Birds-Lite-Beta
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Help us create the best game ever on Android! Please take a moment to
>> >>>> give
>> >>>> us feedback on how the game is performing on your personal device.
>> >>>> Should
>> >>>> you have any problems running Angry Birds Lite Beta, you can simply
>> >>>> click
>> >>>> the report a bug button in the main menu of the game.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> If you've already downloaded the original Beta then please update to
>> the
>> >>>> new
>> >>>> version to test it again.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Alternatively, you can access the feedback survey directly from this
>> >>>> link:
>> >>>> [3]Angry Birds Lite Beta feedback survey
>> >>>>  Links:
>> >>>>    3.
>> >>>>
>> http://rovio.us1.list-manage2.com/subscribe?u=63b9f50404dc0d105599c267a&id=eddf620abf
>> >>>>
>> >>>> More Angry Birds goodies:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> _*Ten lucky Beta testers will receive Angry Birds Toys._
>> >>>>
>> >>>> -Become a facebook fan: [4]facebook.angrybirds.com
>> >>>> -Follow us on Twitter: [5]twitter.angrybirds.com
>> >>>> -Official page: [6]www.angrybirds.com
>> >>>> -Youtube: [7]youtube.angrybirds.com
>> >>>>  Links:
>> >>>>    4. http://facebook.angrybirds.com
>> >>>>    5. http://twitter.angrybirds.com
>> >>>>    6. http://www.angrybirds.com
>> >>>>    7. http://youtube.angrybirds.com
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Have fun!
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Best regards,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The Angry Birds Team
>> >>>>
>> >>>> _PS If you happen to be in the Silicon Valley next week, you can meet
>> >>>> Peter
>> >>>> from Rovio at Mobile 2.0, http://mobile2event.com and at the Engage
>> >>>> Expo,
>> >>>> http://engageexpo.com/sc2010 _
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Download Angry Birds Lite Beta for Android now from the Android
>> Market!
>> >>>> Thanks for signing up for the Angry Birds Android newsletter.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> [8]Unsubscribe --
>> >> Sent from my mobile device
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> "Indonesian Android Community [id-android]"
>> >>
>> >> Join: http://groups.google.com/group/id-android/subscribe?hl=en-GB
>> >> Moderator: id.andr...@gmail.com
>> >> Peraturan Jual dan Kloteran ID-Android  http://goo.gl/azW7
>> >> ID Android Developer: http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
>> >> ID Android Surabaya: http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-sby
>> >> ID Android on FB: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=112207700729
>> >>
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> > --
>> > http://debianist.com
>> >
>> > #end
>> >
>> > --
>> > "Indonesian Android Community [id-android]"
>> >
>> > Join: http://groups.google.com/group/id-android/subscribe?hl=en-GB
>> > Moderator: id.andr...@gmail.com
>> > Peraturan Jual dan Kloteran ID-Android  http://goo.gl/azW7

"Indonesian Android Community [id-android]" 

Join: http://groups.google.com/group/id-android/subscribe?hl=en-GB  
Moderator: id.andr...@gmail.com
Peraturan Jual dan Kloteran ID-Android  http://goo.gl/azW7
ID Android Developer: http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
ID Android Surabaya: http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-sby
ID Android on FB: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=112207700729

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