Kue jahe-nya kelamaan :( keburu keluar yg highspeed cpu..

On Sep 18, 2010 2:06 PM, "Owen Samuel" <owen.sam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Desire lah
> Habis itu joint markiflash club
> Kagak nyesel punya hehehe
> __________
> The world is divided into two types of people: good people who do good
things, and bad people who do bad things - nothing else matters.
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Djoely Poerwanto" <jepedr...@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, Sep 18, 2010 1:27 pm
> Subject: [id-android] WTA: HP Android yg plg oke pemula
> To: <id-android@googlegroups.com>
> Om, Bernard udh upgrade ke desire?
>> Bro namanya dibenerin dulu biar enak nyapanya :)
>> Vote desire aja bro klo menurut aq. Thank you.
>> Sent from google nexus one with "enmother rom" the best rom i've try
>>> Malem agan2, suhu2..
>>> Perkenalkan saya anggota baru dsni.. baru aja join bbrp menit yg
>>> lalu..Mohon bimbingannya..
>>> Sbg org awam, ane drdl ngiler pengen pake android tpi lom
>>> ksampean..maklum keterbatasan dana..
>>> Nah mumpung skrg ad dana ny ane minta bantuannya nii..Ane kepengen
>>> nexus one ato samsung galaxy s..Menurut kalian smua bagusan yang mana
>>> yaa??Ato ad pilihan yg lbih baik??
>>> Klo yg puny stok n1 bnib ato samsung galaxy s bnib jg boleh msg ane
>>> siapa tau hrganya cocok..
>>> Mohon bantuannya. Thanks
>>> --
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> --
> "Indonesian Android Community [id-android]"
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> --
> "Indonesian Android Community [id-android]"
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> Moderator: id.andr...@gmail.com
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"Indonesian Android Community [id-android]" 

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