Iya. di traktir Yopie di gathering Android. Makan di event HTC (Ham,
Tomatoes and Cheese)


On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Jonathan Adiputra Susanto <
susanto.jonat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh iya belun ngomong.. happy bday bro...
> Makan2 dong di bandung....
> *wuuuuuuuuuuuuz
> On 2010 10 1 11:16, "yopie suryadi" <yo...@anjroid.net> wrote:
> Thanks sekali lagi untuk semua ucapan dari rekanĀ² ya...
> Tuhan membalas kebaikan kalian semua...
> @yopiesuryadi
> hope for a better future
> http://bit.ly/9KHYOI
> --
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" For the sake of my DarkDesire "

Narendra Kameshwara

YM : kosto...@yahoo.com

"Indonesian Android Community [id-android]" 

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