Uda sering di bahas koq bro..  Coba cari di arsip militer ato tanya langsung
ke alex ato ayip


from journey to otUeX
On 21 May 2011 12:29, "agung wicaksono" <g.agungwicaks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Met siang RR,
> Mau tanya as per subject, rom yang paling mantap buat nexus one apa ya?
> Yang cepet, stabil,locking sinyal bagus, Dan ngga bikin panas hh.
> Mohon maaf kalo udah pernah di bahas.
> Terima kasih
> --
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> ===============
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> ===============
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"Indonesian Android Community"  Join: http://forum.android.or.id

Xperia arc with Mobile BRAVIA Engine
Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband  
PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-96087100
i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
Toko EceranShop - BEC  Bandung
E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com  Ph. 0815-56599888

Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21

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