dikit banget ,cuma 20 seat......

On 16 Feb 2010 7:57 PM, "Agung Wijanarko" <gun...@isatdroid.net> wrote:

Dear Droiders

INDOSAT mengundang rekan2 community ISAT-Android dan ID-Android untuk jadi
saksi pertama sneak preview dan media education INDOSAT ANDROID pada tanggal
22 Feb 2010 start jam 12:00 - 15:00 tempat akan diinfokan lebih lanjut.

Tersedia hanya 20 seat total untuk Community Indosat dan Indonesia Android
untuk menyaksikan langsung dan experience the difference :)

Bagi yang berminat harap email ke:



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Do you have interchangeable battery? Do you have a total open source
platform? Do you have flash & 5 mega pixel camera to shoot at night? INDOSAT
DOES !! Come, see & experience yourself :))

Google and INDOSAT sent this message
ISATDROID is simply irresistible

"Indonesian Android Community [id-android]"

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id android on FB: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=112207700729

"Indonesian Android Community [id-android]" 

Join: http://groups.google.com/group/id-android/subscribe?hl=en-GB  
Moderator: id.andr...@gmail.com
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