Udh pasti...Dwmor...
On Jul 2, 2011 5:20 PM, "Johan Vinchen" <android.joevinc...@gmail.com>
> Silahkan aja bro,
> Cuman sesuai peringatan om Armad,
> DIWYOR alias re-tenggiri (roesak tanggoengg sendiri) hehehe...
> Seharusnya gak masalah kalo belum pake aplikasi pindah ke sd yg lain.
> Ini rasanya gara2 pake apk lain :'(
> My android is sick...
> Now, I'm powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mas °drie™ <masdrie.mi...@gmail.com>
> Sender: id-android@googlegroups.com
> Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 17:15:15
> To: <id-android@googlegroups.com>
> Reply-To: id-android@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [id-android] WTI App2Sd for SF Wide
> Atau pake cara simple nya om armad aja?
> *berharap
> On Jul 2, 2011 5:08 PM, "Johan Vinchen" <android.joevinc...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Bukan brick, cuman gak bisa masuk ke OSnya, karena aplikasinya error pada
> saat dipindah pake app2sd.
>> Jadi pas reboot, masuk ke tampilan awal, "touch the android to begin",
> hanya saja si robot ijo, diam saja walau sudah dicolek2.
>> Diroot kan kewajiban kalau mau scripting app2sd, mungkin maksud gress
> perawannya belum ada modif lain yg ada hubungan ke root, selain untuk
> app2sd.
>> Seharusnya no problem. Hehehe...
>> NB: wide gue udah di-coba pakai move2sd enabler sebelumnya, mungkin ada
> crash.
>> Anyway, good luck to release free spacenya. Mudah2an gak ada kasus kayak
> gue.
>> Hehehe...
>> My android is sick...
>> Now, I'm powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mas °drie™ <masdrie.mi...@gmail.com>
>> Sender: id-android@googlegroups.com
>> Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 16:56:54
>> To: <id-android@googlegroups.com>
>> Reply-To: id-android@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: [id-android] WTI App2Sd for SF Wide
>> Waduh...
>> Sounds like brick nih...
>> Wide sy baru diroot.....
>> Apakah ini termasuk udah ngga "gress' lagi.....?
>> Wide Slim SmartSocial
>> On Jul 2, 2011 4:52 PM, "Johan Vinchen" <android.joevinc...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Mau menambahkan, pastikan si wide dalam keadaan gress, baru lakukan
>> tahapan app2sd-nya,
>>> Soalnya gue barusan kemaren nyobain scriptnya, alhasil si wide gue gak
>> bisa dipake sampe sekarang.
>>> Cuman bisa "emergency dial" dan menerima panggilan telpon.
>>> Tidak bisa masuk ke dalam OSnya.
>>> Huhuhu... :'(
>>> My android is sick...
>>> Now, I'm powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: mas °drie™ <masdrie.mi...@gmail.com>
>>> Sender: id-android@googlegroups.com
>>> Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 16:44:02
>>> To: <id-android@googlegroups.com>
>>> Reply-To: id-android@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: Re: [id-android] WTI App2Sd for SF Wide
>>> Os 222 ngambil di mana linknya bro...?
>>> Wide Slim SmartSocial
>>> On Jun 25, 2011 12:05 AM, "Daniel Vincent" <andr...@id-bbtour.co.cc>
>> wrote:
>>>> Akhirnya setelah menunggu keluar juga scriptnya, saya menemukannya di
>>> milis agan2 :D
>>>> Ini saya praktekkan di sf wide dengan os 2.2.2
>>>> 1. Download file script app2sd di
>>> http://www.mediafire.com/?24gh5hhc8fwcrn9
>>>> 2. Partisi mmc dengan urutan fat32-ext2 (sf wide hanya bisa membaca
> ext2)
>>> disini saya menggunakan easeus partition home (free)
>>>> 3. Saya sarankan untuk restore factory setting dulu atau lebih bagus
> lagi
>>> dikembalikan dalam posisi perawan, bisa pake file update 2.2.²
>>>> 4. Root wide dengan z4 root gen2
>>>> 5. Download dan instal root manager dan terminal
>>>> 6. Buka root manager dan masuk ke folder data, create new folder disana
>>> dengan nama "log" (tanpa tanda kutip)
>>>> 7. Ekstrak dan kopikan file yang tadi didownload kedalam rrot mmc
>>> (foldernya bernama app2sd)
>>>> 8. Jalankan terminal dan ketik perintah sbb
>>>> su
>>>> cd /sdcard/app2sd
>>>> sh /app2sd.sh
>>>> Dan tunggu sampai semua selesai dan nantinya hh akan reboot sendiri
>>>> 9. Setelah hidup kembali masuk root explorer dan masuk folder data,
>> delete
>>> 3 folder ini:
>>>> App_o
>>>> Dalvik-cache_o
>>>> Log_o
>>>> 10. Selamat app2sd sudah berjalan dengan baik, silakan di test
>>>> Saya lampirkan foto setelah saya berhasil menginstal script ini
>>>> www.vincha.us
>>>> --
>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
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>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
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>>>> --------------------
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>>>> --------------------
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>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>> ===============
>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>> --
>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>> ===============
>>> Xperia arc with Mobile BRAVIA Engine
>>> http://www.sonyericsson.com/product/xperiaarc/video/mbe
>>> ---------------------
>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>> --------------------
>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>> --------------------
>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>> --------------------
>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>> ===============
>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>> --
>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>> ===============
>>> Xperia arc with Mobile BRAVIA Engine
>>> http://www.sonyericsson.com/product/xperiaarc/video/mbe
>>> ---------------------
>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>> --------------------
>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>> --------------------
>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>> --------------------
>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>> ===============
>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>> --
>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>> ===============
>> Xperia arc with Mobile BRAVIA Engine
>> http://www.sonyericsson.com/product/xperiaarc/video/mbe
>> ---------------------
>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>> --------------------
>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>> --------------------
>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>> --------------------
>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>> ===============
>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>> --
>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>> ===============
>> Xperia arc with Mobile BRAVIA Engine
>> http://www.sonyericsson.com/product/xperiaarc/video/mbe
>> ---------------------
>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>> --------------------
>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>> --------------------
>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>> --------------------
>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>> ===============
>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
> --
> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
> ===============
> Xperia arc with Mobile BRAVIA Engine
> http://www.sonyericsson.com/product/xperiaarc/video/mbe
> ---------------------
> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
> --------------------
> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
> --------------------
> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
> --------------------
> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
> ===============
> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
> --
> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
> ===============
> Xperia arc with Mobile BRAVIA Engine
> http://www.sonyericsson.com/product/xperiaarc/video/mbe
> ---------------------
> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
> --------------------
> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
> --------------------
> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
> --------------------
> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
> ===============
> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21

"Indonesian Android Community"  Join: http://forum.android.or.id

Xperia arc with Mobile BRAVIA Engine
Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband  
PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
Toko EceranShop - BEC  Bandung
E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com  Ph. 0815-56599888

Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21

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