Baru abis reinstall, sync, contact kosong, ni hape bunyi kloneng" trus
lantaran chat" grup yg ada resync duuhhh males bet dah
On Oct 15, 2011 10:06 PM, "Khaikal Muhammad" <mkhai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Iya, disaya jg begitu..
> Terpaksa pakai nomer telkomsel dah..
> Hahahaa
> ____________________________
> .: sent thru Incredible 2 With MIUI 1.10.7 :.
> .: Powered by Mobile-8 EVDO :.
> On Oct 15, 2011 7:33 PM, "Kancalini Transmindrovac" <kancal...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dah tambah 00 depan nya jadi aneh + 6208811xxx
>> Masih juga gak mau, kayanya emang gak jodoh, udah hampir 24 jam gak ada
>> sms 1 pun yang masih, padahal udah puluhan kali mungkin
>> Uninstall
>> __________________________________________
>> Dikirim dari HaPe pake Semar PaHe
>> DROID2 on Verizon GingerBread OTA
>> On Oct 15, 2011 6:12 PM, "Khaikal Muhammad" <mkhai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Tambahin 00 didepannya om oza?
>>> Saya 0888 juga kaga bisa nih..
>>> Dari smalam.. :(
>>> ____________________________
>>> .: sent thru Incredible 2 With MIUI 1.10.7 :.
>>> .: Powered by Mobile-8 EVDO :.
>>> On Oct 15, 2011 6:00 PM, "Oza Ghozali" <dr.oza2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> coba 00881
>>>> On Oct 15, 2011 5:39 PM, "Kancalini Transmindrovac" <
>>>> kancal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dari jam 12 malam tadi nunggu verifikasi gak nongol 2
>>>>> Udah coba 08821xxx, 8811xxx
>>>>> Tetap gaka ada respon
>>>>> Btw semar 11 digit
>>>>> Ada ide?
>>>>> __________________________________________
>>>>> Dikirim dari HaPe pake Semar PaHe
>>>>> DROID2 on Verizon GingerBread OTA
>>>>> On Oct 15, 2011 11:10 AM, "Shinte Galeshka" <gales...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Pertanyaannya, sejauh ini sudah bisa dipakai di platform apa aja
>>>>>> ChatOn ini?
>>>>>> Seberapa jauh samsung mau develop untuk platform2x lain dan apakah
>>>>>> platform2x tsb mengijinkan :D
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Galeshka
>>>>>> 2011/10/15 heru subiyantoro <herus...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> Bisa add ane dong 08113400350
>>>>>>>  Sent from my Samsung Smart Device
>>>>>>> On Oct 15, 2011 10:15 AM, "Iwan@robotijo" <i...@robotijo.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Bs share location kok
>>>>>>>> On Oct 15, 2011 10:01 AM, "Imam Moeloek" <zeldr...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> sama nih.. verifikasinya cepet bener.. di SGS2 4G, saya pasangi
>>>>>>>>> nomor GSM.. soalnya jarang ada yg tau ni pleki saya hehehe...
>>>>>>>>> tp ya itu.. barang bagus tp blom ada yg pake.. jadi bengong deh...
>>>>>>>>> btw.. chaton ga bisa share location yah? feature penting di
>>>>>>>>> whatsapp tuh..
>>>>>>>>> 2011/10/15 foeng <foen...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Ya pakai telkomsel atuh.
>>>>>>>>>> Kan tergantung nomor registrasinya
>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 15, 2011 12:16 AM, "rachmadi kurniawan" <
>>>>>>>>>> rachmad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Gw pake droid x yg injek smart.. tapi berhubung temen ga ada yg
>>>>>>>>>>> tau nomer ini.. regustrasinya pake nomer telkomsel.. dapet sms 
>>>>>>>>>>> verifikasi di
>>>>>>>>>>> bb yg pake telkomsel.. masukin kodenya.. jalann.. hehe.. tapi ntar 
>>>>>>>>>>> kalo
>>>>>>>>>>> temen mo invite atau chat.. pake nomer yg telkomsel atau nomer 
>>>>>>>>>>> smart yah?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 14, 2011 11:53 PM, "Khaikal Muhammad" <mkhai...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> kalau pakai nomer CDMA bisa kaga yak?
>>>>>>>>>>>> kmaren di Whatsapp tes pakai nomer CDMA kaga bisa2..
>>>>>>>>>>>> hahaha
>>>>>>>>>>>> _________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> .: Sent thru Incredible 2 With MIUI 1.10.7 :.
>>>>>>>>>>>> .: Powered by Mobile-8 EVDO [#ihateslow] :.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:47 PM, Renner Chen <
>>>>>>>>>>>> rc.milest...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kayanya pake nomor handphone doang nih sebagai ID nya, atau
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bisa juga dari facebook yah?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sayangnya gue testing nih chatON pake nomor handphone utama
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gue, gak bisa di ketik di milis dong yah... daripada di terror 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> besokĀ²
>>>>>>>>>>>>> huahahahaha
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --rc
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 14, 2011 11:43 PM, "Iwan@robotijo" <i...@robotijo.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mohon maaf ya klo malam2 nyepam :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi. Let's keep in touch using ChatON.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.chaton.com/invite.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join:
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://forum.android.or.id
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
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>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
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>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
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>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
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>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Imam Moeloek
>>>>>>>>> Proud Owner of SGS2 4G
>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
>>>>>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
>>>>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
>>>>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
>>>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
>>>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
>>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> for those who speak knows nothing and those who know says nothing
>>>>>> http://galeshka.wordpress.com
>>>>>> http://www.plurk.com/galeshka
>>>>>> http://www.twitter.com/galeshka
>>>>>> http://www.facebook.com/shinte.galeshka
>>>>>>  --
>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
>>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>  --
>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>>>> ===============
>>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
>>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>> --------------------
>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>> --------------------
>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>> --------------------
>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>> ===============
>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>  --
>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>>> ===============
>>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
>>>> ---------------------
>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>> --------------------
>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>> --------------------
>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>> --------------------
>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>> ===============
>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>  --
>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>>> ===============
>>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
>>> ---------------------
>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>> --------------------
>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>> --------------------
>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>> --------------------
>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>> ===============
>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>  --
>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
>> ===============
>> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
>> http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
>> ---------------------
>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>> --------------------
>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>> --------------------
>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>> --------------------
>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>> ===============
>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>  --
> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
> ===============
> Join ID-ANDROID Developers
> http://groups.google.com/group/id-android-dev
> ---------------------
> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
> --------------------
> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
> --------------------
> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
> --------------------
> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
> ===============
> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21

"Indonesian Android Community"  Join: http://forum.android.or.id

Join ID-ANDROID Developers
Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband  
PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
Toko EceranShop - BEC  Bandung
E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com  Ph. 0815-56599888

Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21

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