Itu dua dunia yang berbeda. Memang susah memahami keadilan Tuhan, tapi Dia
selalu adil kok -:)

BTW, sekarang kondisinya tidak sekontras dulu lagi. Tidak cuma Amerika yang
ditimpa resesi, banyak negara Eropa mulai suram masa depannya sekarang.
Dimana-mana angka pengangguran meningkat. Demonstrasi makin kerap terjadi di
negara-negara yang katanya sudah "highly developed", termasuk Amerika dan
Inggris. Dan financial industries seperti Wall Street yang jadi tulang
punggung kapitalisme global jadi tersangka utamanya.

Mungkin ada gilirannya nanti Eropa jadi seperti Ethiopia hari ini. Sejarah
dipergilirkan terus kok. Konon sejarahnya, ribuan tahun yang lalu Ethiopia
juga pernah jadi makmur dan kaya raya.

Iwan Suryolaksono
 On Oct 17, 2011 4:01 PM, "Arianto C Nugroho" <>

> hmm ... menurut saya, udah mulai berlebihan ... don't get me wrong .. saya
> selalu bilang, saya gak suka Apple, but I do admire Steve Jobs ...
> Jadi inget postingan di FB oleh teman saya .. "one man died (Steve Jobs),
> millions cry, Million peole died (in Somali), no one cries" .. bahkan Steve
> Jobs sendiri berpikiran ada banyak hal yang lebih penting dibandingkan
> teknologi ..
> Steve Jobs didn't change the world, he just made things much more exciting
> ... there are others who really change the world ..
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Iwan Suryolaksono 
> <>wrote:
>> Sungguh terharu, melihat antrian mengular pada saat peluncuran Iphone 4S
>> (for Steve), di banyak negara tak hanya di Amerika saja, melampaui launching
>> produk apple sebelumnya. Anak-anak muda bersorak dan menari-nari saat
>> giliran pengambilan gadgetnya tiba. Saya jadi ingin kutipkan summary pidato
>> Mr. Jobs yang paling terkenal. Sangat inspiratif, untuk siapa saja.
>> Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
>> "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.
>> Don't be trapped by dogma
>> which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
>> Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.
>> And most important,
>> have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
>> They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
>> Everything else is secondary."
>> "Beneath it were the words:
>> "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."
>> It was their farewell message as they signed off.
>> Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
>> And I have always wished that for myself. "
>> (pidatonya alm.Steve Jobs mantan CEO Apple Computer
>> dlm rangka wisuda Standford University.)
>> Salam,
>> Iwan Suryolaksono
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> Best Regards
> Arianto C Nugroho
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