Klo kyk gtu mstinya minimal mereka udah ngasih buat hh yg gak kerjasama dgn
operator donkk.. Yg jadi masalah itu krn yg itu jg blon dsediain cara
unlock-nya.. :)
On Jan 6, 2012 1:46 PM, "Arianto C Nugroho" <arianto.nugr...@gmail.com>

> mendukung petisi ... tapi beberapa waktu yang lalu, motorola mengeluarkan
> pernyataan, mereka bersedia menyedikan unlocker _asalkan_ disetujui oleh
> operator yang mereka kerja sama ..
> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 7:06 AM, Defriando Riza 
> <defriando.r...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> once again.. join the petition.. hope this will make motorola remember
>> their promises..
>> 2011 came and went, and Google wasn’t the only one breaking their
>> promises<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/some-fun-google-failed-to-deliver-android-controlled-lightbulbs/>.
>> Back in March, Motorola said they would unlock their notoriously secured
>> bootloaders before the end of 2011, and guess what? They haven’t.
>> So, what do we do? Of course, start a petition. This has worked wonders with
>> HTC<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/htc-unlocks-all-its-verizon-and-att-bootloaders/>,
>> and, only a few days ago,
>> <http://www.xda-developers.com/android/asus-gives-in-will-develop-unlock-tool-for-transformer-prime-bootloader/>
>> ASUS<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/asus-gives-in-will-develop-unlock-tool-for-transformer-prime-bootloader/>.
>> Both quickly gave in to the pressure and eventually provided (or are in the
>> process of doing so) official unlocking solutions. Motorola originally said
>> they were doing the same, but they didn’t, and here’s what they get for it:
>> *OPERATION: Make Ourselves Heard (#**OPMOSH**)*
>> [...]
>> *About this movement:*
>> Motorola Mobility Inc. has become famous for its lies, slanderous ways,
>> and tendency to flat out prove time and time again that it cares not for
>> its customers after they walk out of that store with their Motorola-branded
>> device. Since the early days of Android, post Droid 1, we have sat down and
>> took our locked bootloaders like a man. There came to be a boiling point –
>> and a full-out war was launched on their social media sites. Sound
>> familiar? The same thing that worked with HTC and now with Asus. We
>> received a generic “second half of 2011″ timing. Guess what! It’s now Q1
>> 2012, and not only have they missed their deadline, but they have *
>> IGNORED* all bootloader-related questions, given *NO* official
>> announcement of their plans still being in motion, and thus must have
>> forgotten that we are a core, dedicated community that wishes nothing more
>> than to enjoy the phones we were given. Let’s make ourselves heard yet
>> again, turn the heat up, and make Moto (like HTC) get off of their asses
>> and *DO SOMETHING*. Everyone counts!
>> Thanks to [ 
>> <http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=3575887>TSON<http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=3575887>
>> ] <http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=3575887> for initiating
>> this, and we can only urge you to visit the forum 
>> thread<http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1419815>to find out 
>> what you can do to help our fellow XDA members in reminding
>> Motorola of their broken promise.
>> Read full article at 
>> http://<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> www.xda<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> -<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> developers.com<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> /android/operation-<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> mosh<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> -petitioning-<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> motorola<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> -to-unlock-their-<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> bootloaders<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> -amid-broken-promise/<http://www.xda-developers.com/android/operation-mosh-petitioning-motorola-to-unlock-their-bootloaders-amid-broken-promise/>
>> --
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> --
> Best Regards
> Arianto C Nugroho
> http://id.linkedin.com/in/ariantonugroho
> YM-i : arianto.nugroho
> skype-id : nugroho.arianto
> (+254) 728 002 390
> (+62) 817 9050 530
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