Ternyata SGS4 gak hacker friendly juga euy. Berita buruk buat AOSP/CM
lovers yg berencana pake SGS4..



With the Samsung Galaxy S4
<http://www.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s4> presumably
coming soon, many are excited about the possibility of running a more stock
Android-based experience, like
on the hardware. It looks like that's going to be a slower transition than
many were hoping, as the current Samsung CM maintainers have said that they
have no plans to support the device.

The relationship between Samsung and the people trying to hack CM onto
Samsung phones has been pretty tumultuous as of late. On one side, Samsung
has to try to protect their IP. Some of the decisions they have made to
help do this just aren't very developer-friendly, and some even violate the
GPL <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> (an open source license that
covers everything in the Linux kernel used in Android). On the other side,
you have a group of people that have to have a little access to this IP so
they can build a working firmware for the device. They need everything
covered under the GPL, and even a little friendly advice from the
manufacturers is what it takes sometimes to get everything working just
right. With the two sides unable to get together, frustration has set in
and the developers have spoken. *XpLoDWilD*, speaking for Team Hacksung

Nobody at Team Hacksung (the team behind Galaxy S2, Note, S3, Note2, G
Tabs... official CM ports) plans to buy it, neither develop for it. There
are two variants which will be a pain to maintain, [and] the bugs we have
on the S3 will probably be there on S4, too (camera), and we all know
Samsung ability to release sources while staying in line with mainline. Yes
Qualcomm releases sources, but Exynos sources we had were far from [working
on] actual Galaxy products. I'm pretty sure the same will happen for this

That's a uniform "no" from us.

The other developers are saying basically the
. *Codeworkx*, *Entropy512*, and kernel developer*Gokhan Moral *have said
they refuse to develop for the Galaxy S4. Read through the break for some
discussion of what this might mean for users like us.
Discuss in the Galaxy S4
does this mean to me?

Maybe a lot, maybe nothing. In the grand scheme of things, Samsung will
still sell a shitload of Galaxy S4 phones. Nine out of every ten people
buying one will have no clue what CyanogenMod even is, and will never care
enough to find out even if they heard mention of it. We all need to realize
this every time we talk hacking. These people, along with plenty who know
exactly what CM is, will happily use the stock Samsung firmware. *There is
nothing wrong with liking the stock Samsung firmware*. Full stop.

There will also be folks who want custom, AOSP-based firmware on their
Galaxy S4. Some who want it bad enough to build it as best they can, and
share with the community. But work will be slow, and there's always that
chance that it may never happen. Plenty of folks love a challenge.
OK. I want AOSP for sure, what should I do?

A lot of people recommend a Sony Xperia device or an LG device. These
companies are working hard with developers, but request that much of what
they do stays under the radar and unpublicized. This is so we aren't
disappointed if/when we find out our favorite device isn't fully (or
partially) supported by CM. Sort of like today. I imagine a few of the
developers are quiet in respect to Sony and LG, or they would encourage the
same thing.

Of course, the only way to be certain to get AOSP-style support is to buy
an AOSP device from Google Play. We understand that not every carrier is
supported, and that makes things a bit problematic, but there are just no
other devices almost guaranteed to be included in CM.

We're not going to blame you if you pass on a device because you want CM
support. Likewise, we fully understand why someone would not care and get
the Galaxy S4, and love the way it runs with the stock Samsung firmware or
a customized version of it. This is what choice is. We just want to make
sure you know what's going on with the whole mess.

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