Tq om amer buat share nya... Sudah solved... Hhe... :-)

Danny (^_^)

Sent from :
GNOTE 1 with Official Jelly Bean ROM + Speedmod Kernel
On May 10, 2013 11:48 PM, "Amer" <a...@id-anime.info> wrote:

> Notification di sms app bawaan bisa di uncentang kan?
> ▒ Android 4.2.2 @ Google neXus4™ ▒
> On May 10, 2013 11:46 PM, "Rama Danny" <gor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Selamat malam RR,
>> ada yang pakai app sliding message kah??
>> Mau tanya untuk jadiin sliding message jadi primer message app gmn ya??
>> Soalnya setiap ada sms,  muncul 2 notif dari app message bawaan samsung n
>> sliding message...
>> As attach contohnya, (maaf tulisannya jelek)
>> mohon share bantuannya ya rekan... :-)
>> Regards,
>> Danny (^_^)
>> Sent from :
>> GNOTE 1 with Official Jelly Bean ROM + Speedmod Kernel
>> --
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>> Ayo ikutan kompetisi foto di Indosat Smartphone Photography Festival 2013
>> Info: http://smartphonephotography.indosatmentari.com
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>  --
> ==========
> Ayo ikutan kompetisi foto di Indosat Smartphone Photography Festival 2013
> Info: http://smartphonephotography.indosatmentari.com
> ---------------------
> ID-Android on YouTube
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u81L8Qpy5A
> --------------------
> Web Hosting, Zimbra Mail Server, VPS gratis Raspberry Pi :
> http://www.hostune.com
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> Aturan Umum ID-Android: http://goo.gl/MpVq8
> Join Forum ID-ANDROID: http://forum.android.or.id
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> Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup "[id-android]
> Indonesian Android Community " dari Grup Google.
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Ayo ikutan kompetisi foto di Indosat Smartphone Photography Festival 2013
Info: http://smartphonephotography.indosatmentari.com
ID-Android on YouTube
Web Hosting, Zimbra Mail Server, VPS gratis Raspberry Pi : 
Aturan Umum  ID-Android: http://goo.gl/MpVq8
Join Forum  ID-ANDROID: http://forum.android.or.id
Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup "[id-android] Indonesian 
Android Community " dari Grup Google.
Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini, kirim 
email ke id-android+berhenti berlangga...@googlegroups.com .

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