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*Pichai: Google I/O 2013 to focus on services, helping devs 'write better

*New Android head says 'It’s not a time when we have much in the way of
launches of new products or a new operating system'*

Newly-appointed Android head Sundar
Pichai<>says the
company will focus on "all of the kinds of things we’re doing for
developers" at this year's Google
I/O<> conference,
due to begin this Wednesday. In an interview with *Wired*, Pichai, who also
heads up Google Chrome, says that it isn't a time when the company has
"much in the way of launches of new products or a new operating system,"
suggesting major device launches won't be the focus of the conference.

Having recently taken over from Android co-founder Andy Rubin, Pichai
offered his thoughts on a variety of subjects, including Android updates,
Google's relationship with Samsung, Facebook Home and the challenges of
managing two operating systems.

Some bite-size snippets --

On the relationship between Chrome and Android: "Android and Chrome are
both large, open platforms, growing very fast. I think that they will play
a strong role, not merely exist. I see this as part of friendly innovation
and choice for both users and developers." On Facebook Home: "It’s exciting
that Facebook thought of Android first in this case. Android was intended
to be very customizable. And we welcome innovations. As for the specific
product, my personal take on it is that time will tell." On Samsung's
Android dominance: "The relationship is very strong on a day-to-day basis
and on a tactical basis. So I’m not that concerned. Historically the
industry has had long stable structures. Look at Microsoft and Intel. They
were very codependent on one another, but it served both of them well." On
future Nexus hardware: "You will see a continuation of what we have tried
to do with Nexus and Chromebooks. Any hardware projects we do will be to
push the ecosystem forward." On slow Android updates: "We are thinking
about how to make Android handle updates better. We see ways we can do
this. It’s early days. We’re talking with our partners and working our way
through it. We need time to figure out the mechanics, but it’s definitely
an area of focus for me and for the team." On what to expect from I/O this
year: "Both on Android and Chrome, we’re going to focus this I/O on all of
the kinds of things we’re doing for developers, so that they can write
better things. We will show how Google services are doing amazing things on
top of these two platforms."

Hit the source link to check out the interview in full.


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