Ya, setuju. Sudah waktunya.
Dan itu yang bisa jadi pembeda dengan OS lainnya. Apalagi OS pendatang,
bisa bikin aplikasi lebih smooth dengan Spec yang lebih rendah.

*ada harapan nih buat hp android tahun 2011 an :)

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On Jul 7, 2013 8:47 AM, "Andre Tampubolon" <an...@lc.vlsm.org> wrote:

> Berarti yg terobsesi dgn spec itu either anak kipas (baca: fan boy) atau
> above-average user :D
> Sent from Samsung Mobile
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Agung Haryanto <joerock1...@gmail.com>
> Date: 06/07/2013 18:19 (GMT-08:00)
> To: id-android@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [id-android] WTI: The Nexus 4, Moto X and how Google is changing
> Android perception from "high spec" to "high experience"
> (Kalo saya sependapat dengan artikel ini, user experience adalah urusan
> nomer satu ketimbang spec dan "gimick" fitur yang gila-gilaan.)
> As I've tried to remind our readership on numerous occasions in my time
> here at PhoneArena, we all live in a fishbowl. We all have more intimate
> knowledge of mobile technology than the average consumer, because we all
> share a passion for the subject and seek out more information. The trouble
> is that we are still human, and we don't reflect on our views often enough,
> and instead we use shortcuts to prove our opinions. So, when a company like
> Google/Motorola is actively trying to change the conversation around
> Android, it can take longer to land in our community than the average
> consumer, because we have so many preconceptions.
> When the average consumer walks into a store to buy a device, it is
> extremely rare that they will care much about specs aside from general
> issues like battery life, storage capacity, and camera quality. Aside from
> those three issues, the average consumer goes on feel: how does the device
> feel, how does it look, how does the system feel in use - is it intuitive
> and familiar, or awkward? This alone is why Apple's iPhone is still such a
> popular device. The average consumer doesn't care about the internal specs,
> they only care about how the device feels in use. It's also why consumers
> keep going back to Samsung despite impressive offerings from other
> manufacturers: they know Samsung, and feel familiar with the device.
> Unfortunately, in our community, where we are supposedly more
> knowledgeable on these topics, we still fall back on the same argument:
> specs are everything. The trouble with that view is that it is a holdover
> opinion from the days of desktop PCs, and a holdover from the days when
> Android wasn't as mature a system as it is now.
> Specs vs experience
> The closest analog to these kinds of arguments are the PC vs console wars.
> PC gamers are adamant that consoles are terrible, because after the initial
> release window at best, console specs can never match those of high-end
> gaming rigs. And, no matter how mature console platforms become, they
> simply can't offer the same level of functionality as a full PC. On the
> console side, the argument is all about the games and the ease of the
> console experience.
> Not everyone wants to buy or build a gaming rig. Not everyone needs to
> have a singular device that combines computer functionality and gaming.
> Some people just want a box that hooks to their living room TV, that is
> easy to interact with, and offers the games they want to play. Sure, Far
> Cry 3 may look better on a high-end PC than on a console, and some prefer
> the option of keyboard input, but some have no interest in keyboard input,
> and don't care about the slight difference in visuals. Some just want to
> play a good game, because the game is the experience, and the visuals are
> secondary.
> That had been the general argument between Android vs iPhone for a long
> time: specs and functionality vs experience. Really, that is still the
> argument that many fanboys keeps fighting on either side. But, arguing
> specs and functionality for Android is ignoring how mature and amazing the
> experience of the platform has become, and the argument doesn't even hold
> that well within the Android ecosystem itself. We've started to move away
> from the "higher megapixels FTW!" argument with camera quality to
> understanding the need for better sensors and lenses, but we still haven't
> gotten past the false idea that the CPU and RAM are all that matters with
> performance.
> Even within the Android ecosystem, specs and benchmarks are an easy way to
> "prove" one device is better than another, but at the end of the day, it's
> the experience that matters. You can point to the specs of the Samsung
> Galaxy S4 all day long, but I'm still going to use my Nexus 4 because I
> like the experience better, and the performance boost from the better
> processor just doesn't make enough of a real world difference to matter.
> TouchWiz, in my opinion, does nothing but add unnecessary features and
> bloat; and, the S4 hardware just isn't as nice in the hand as my Nexus 4.
> You can talk specs all day, but it doesn't change the experience that I
> prefer, because when I use my device, I do a lot of things, but constantly
> running benchmarks isn't one.
> Add in the cost differential, and the choice is far less about specs than
> some may want. I could get an S4 or HTC One Google Edition and get more of
> the experience I want with the slight performance boost of the newer specs,
> but is that boost really worth the extra $300 it would cost compared to a
> Nexus 4? Not in my book. Some may argue that better specs are all about
> future-proofing your device, but with 2-year mobile contracts, and if Nexus
> devices and Motorola can consistently hit that $300 off-contract price
> point, how much future-proofing do you really need?
> Google's new aim is high experience
> We don't know for sure, but we've heard repeated rumors that the Moto X
> will cost about $299 off-contract, and Motorola CEO Dennis Woodside has
> said that the company's focus is on high-quality, low-cost devices. So, it
> sounds like Motorola is looking to continue the standard set by the Nexus
> line of devices. The Nexus 4, 7, and 10 have all offered more than
> consumers expected at a price point far lower than the competition, and
> there is a fair chance that Motorola will do the same with the Moto X.
> The sneaky part of this argument is in the fact that the spec race is
> largely unnecessary since Android 4.1. Before Jelly Bean, Android
> detractors would constantly talk about how the system was laggy and buggy,
> and it certainly was. The counter to that old argument tended to be that
> you just needed better specs to make up for the lag issues, but that
> argument doesn't hold anymore. The bugginess was largely squashed with
> Android 4.0, and Project Butter came with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean to knock
> off any lingering lag issues. Now, arguing the spec difference between
> processors and even the difference between 720p and 1080p displays on a
> 4.7" screen doesn't yield appreciable differences in the real world.
> The real "high performance" metrics are in battery life, and the feel of
> the system. Many say they are disappointed in the idea that the Moto X will
> likely have a Snapdragon S4 Pro and a 720p display. But, most forget that
> the workload that a 720p display puts on a processor's GPU is much lower
> than that of a 1080p display. Additionally, very few apps are optimized to
> really show the difference between HD displays, so you'll likely only
> notice the difference if you happen to be comparing two devices side by
> side. Otherwise, humans adapt to what they have and use consistently.
> The Android system updates have been all about performance recently, and
> the rumor has it that the focus of the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update will
> be on tweaking battery performance. Motorola has said that the Moto X has
> specific power saving options built-in to the device that it has added,
> along with a number of contextually aware options to have the phone give
> you what you need when you need it. We don't know the specifics, but it
> sounds like we might expect something that power-users have asked for with
> Android for a while with custom contextual homescreen layouts: different
> apps that are displayed based on being at home, at work, traveling, or
> being out to dinner or a movie.
> Conclusion
> The more a mobile device can offer you what you want, when you want it,
> specs fall into the background. Specs become the sole arguing point of
> fanboys and trolls, because the belief is that specs remove the need for
> subjective opinion, which couldn't be farther from the truth. There is
> nothing more important in the relationship between a user and their device
> than the subjective opinion of how that device feels to that specific user.
> Specs can play a part in explaining why you prefer one device to another,
> but they can't prove that one device is objectively better than another.
> This is the power of Android. With the iPhone, Apple tries to generalize
> the subjective opinion of the masses and create one device that pleases as
> many people as it can. Android creates many different devices, and puts the
> onus on the user to find the device that fits them best. But, the average
> user doesn't like to search too much, so the majority of the focus lands on
> flagship devices. Samsung offers a huge range of device options, but the
> main choices are the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note. HTC has the One. Google has
> the Nexus. And, as far as cross-carrier devices, Motorola is going with the
> Moto X, since it seems the RAZR Ultras will be Verizon only.
> Samsung offers the "offer every feature anyone could conceivably want"
> approach to software design. HTC has gone with the social/news gathering
> Blinkfeed as its focus. Google, unsurprisingly, offers the Google
> experience with pure Android. From what we've heard, Motorola is aiming to
> give users whatever experience they want, by offering design and
> customization options up front. The unifying thread on all of these
> approaches is that specs don't come into the question. The focus is always
> on the experience provided to the user, and the specs of each device are in
> the background to simply show that this is a new device (because with some,
> like the Galaxy S III/S4 you might not notice otherwise). Maybe we should
> all keep that in mind.
> Sumber:
> http://www.phonearena.com/news/The-Nexus-4-Moto-X-and-how-Google-is-changing-Android-perception-from-high-spec-to-high-experience_id44961
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