Berarti yg beli bego donk ya
Mau beli brg jelek

On 8 Nov 2013, at 04:28, mariko Hendru <> wrote:

> Sadis benar bilang touchwiznya jelek. Padahal jutaan orang beli ni android... 
> gak salah ni komen...kalau pembaharuan bagus itu biar ga bosan dan freshlah
> On Nov 8, 2013 1:00 AM, "Yoshwar S" <> wrote:
>> Akhirnya sadar juga mereka kalo Touchwiz itu jelek banget :-D 
>> Penasaran juga bakal berubah seperti apa nih.
>> When you think of a Samsung Android phone, what’s the first thing you’re 
>> likely to complain about.  Is it the hardware?  Not generally, Samsung 
>> usually packs the latest and greatest hardware around, although some don’t 
>> care for the AMOLED technology they use for their screens.  Is it the built 
>> quality of the phones?  That used to be an issue until the Galaxy Note 3, 
>> which is notably improved over previous Samsung Android phone.  Is it the 
>> software?  I’m pretty sure I heard a resounding yes from that question, and 
>> it’s this resounding response that seems to have woken the Korean giant up.  
>> Samsung’s custom Android skin, known as TouchWiz, has been the brunt of 
>> jokes in the Android world for years now, and even though Samsung aimed to 
>> improve it with last year’s “Nature UX” that launched with the Galaxy S III, 
>> it’s still the most bloated and by far the ugliest of all the manufacturer 
>> skins for Android.  Given that most Android OEMs have taken to lightning 
>> their skins up, both in terms of look and overall clutter of the UI, we 
>> expect Samsung to do the same with their next iteration of the software.  
>> That’s why they’ve vowed to spend half of their massive $3 Billion R&D 
>> workforce budget on improving said software, which is rather incredible no 
>> matter how you look at it.
>> Samsung’s President Lee Sang-hoon has acknowledged the issues they’ve been 
>> facing with software design and quality, and likened it to the Red Sox in 
>> the World Series, which he says has an ace batting team, but only an average 
>> pitching team.  He likened this to Samsung’s hardware game, in which he said 
>> was top-notch, but its software division wasn’t doing as good of a job.  
>> Still they are winning the overall game, if sales numbers are anything to go 
>> by of course.  They’ve also got the largest mind share of any other 
>> smartphone manufacturer outside of Apple, which is equally as important as 
>> sales, since this is what drives future sales.  All this was said at the 
>> 2013 Samsung Analyst Day, which is the first Analyst Day the company has put 
>> on in over 8 years.  Likely this was due to the ailing stock prices and 
>> worry over the next round of devices from Samsung as the Wall Street Journal 
>> points out.  The Galaxy S4, while an incredible performer in the market, has 
>> constantly missed its sales goals throughout its lifetime, and that never 
>> bodes well for a company.  We’ll see with the Galaxy S5 if Samsung’s new 
>> software design mirrors that of the updates found in the Galaxy Note 3, or 
>> if they take an entirely different direction altogether.
>> Salam,
>> Yoshwar
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