March saw amazing growth in the Android Market, which added an amazing
9,308 new applications. What's even more interesting is that the size
of the Android Market has doubled since January.

Google's Android Market hit the 20,000 app milestone right around the
beginning of 2010. Today, the Android market has closer to 42,000
applications. So far in April, the Market has added 2,230. In March,
the Market swelled by 9,308, in February it grew by 5,532, and in
January some 4,458 apps were added.

The Android Market's 42,000 apps may still pale in comparison to
market leader Apple, which has somewhere north of 140,000 apps, but
the sudden surge in growth indicates at least one key thing.

Android is catching on. Big time.

I don't think it is too much of a stretch to correlate the Android
Market's sudden growth spurt with the success of the Motorola Droid,
which Verizon has been selling like hotcakes since its launch in
November. Sales of that handset have exceeded one million units, and
it has helped Android's mindshare grow exponentially. That success has
spurred developer interest in the platform.

It helps that Android handset are widely available in the U.S. Each of
the four major wireless network operators in the U.S. offers at least
one Android handset. Android handsets are available in a wide variety
of form factors and at attractive price ranges.

As more Android handsets are primed to hit the market, the platform
has no where to go but up.

[Via AndroLib]


Agus Hamonangan
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