Mi3 nggak ada micro SD slot ya pak? 
Kalau masih 16 GB "nyesek" juga yah

Sent via Red HTC One 

-----Original Message-----
From: reka wibawa <wie.tur...@gmail.com>
To: milis android <id-android@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 19:13
Subject: Re: [id-android] WTI: Xiaomi ambil posisi ke 10 dari HTC

Coba pegang Mi3 dulu om alvin. Hahaha..pasti lupa nanti sama HTC.
#racun mode

sent from my cool device
On Jan 20, 2014 8:10 PM, "Alvin Kurniawan" <alvin4fo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Wadoh, Kasian benar htc terpuruk begini, semoga HTC bisa bangkit lagi.
> Alvin Kurniawan
> @One Dev edition
> On Jan 20, 2014 12:58 PM, "sony djuana" <sonydju...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wah gimana nih HTC? :-)
>> http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20140119000054&cid=1204&MainCatID=12
>> Taiwan's HTC dropped out of the top ten for global smartphone market
>> share last year as its Chinese rivals Xiaomi and Gionee saw their market
>> shares increase, according to market research institution TrendForce and
>> our Chinese-language sister newspaper Commercial Times.
>> Although most Chinese smartphone brands reported shipment declines in the
>> fourth quarter last year, Xiaomi and Gionee both grabbed a 3% market share
>> and ranked joint tenth on the researcher's top-ten chart. HTC's shipment in
>> the last quarter only amounted to 60% of Xiaomi's, which means it will take
>> even longer for the smartphone maker to re-enter the chart, analysts said.
>> The Taiwanese firm held its year-end party on Friday, during which its
>> chairwoman Cher Wang said she is confident of HTC's outlook since the
>> brand's new models received good responses from telecom operators during
>> the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas in January. Meanwhile, HTC CEO
>> Peter Chou gave several awards to workers to boost morale during the event.
>> There were around 7,300 awards given over the course of the year-end
>> party, including 7,200 smartphones, while the biggest cash was NT$300,000
>> (US$9,900).
>> TrendForce predicts that global smartphone shipments in the first quarter
>> this year may drop by 5.1% since smartphone makers increased shipments to
>> reach sales targets and reduce inventory in Q4 last year.
>> best regards,
>> sony djuana
>> --
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