Omni ROM emang udah lama develop KitKat om.

I am ᐇ
On Feb 8, 2014 9:15 PM, "Muhammad" <> wrote:

> Satu-satunya android china yang sudah kitkat meskipun masih dalam tahap
> pengembangan. Mungkinkah kedepannya akan me release seri penerus nya yaitu
> Faea F3 yang di otaki octacore 1.7Ghz atau 2Ghz dengan android kitkat 4.4
> out of the box? Who knows.
> Faea F2s Will Update To Android 4.4 KitKat With Omni ROM
> Faea is only China factory which focus on customized CyanogenMod ROM. They
> have worked on CM 10.2 ROM for a few months, but only leaked a screenshot
> picture a few weeks ago. Today, we found a short video on Youtube, the Faea
> F2s run Omni ROM with Android 4.4 KitKat. Wow, it’s really big step for
> this phone, and hope they will release the ROM in the coming weeks.
> There video is made by xDrShadowx, a famous developer from XDA forum. This
> video only show us the main menu and setting section on Omni ROM.
> Faea F2s is old model last year, it own 5-inch 1080P FHD screen, along
> with 1.5GHz MTK MT6589T quad-core processor, 1GB RAM, and 13-megapixel rear
> camera.
> Sent by gReader
>    zp990
> {Captain S}
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