Spec tinggi.. Harga (mungkin) murah.. Apalagi yang di harap kan? :)

On Apr 19, 2014 9:12 AM, "Muhammad" <sanza.no...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ga Xiaomi ga Huawei ga ZTE, cepet banget sold out nya hanya dalam hitungan
> detik. Fenomena apakah ini?
> The first 50,000 unit of ZTE V5 smartphone is sold out in just 17 second
> http://www.gizmochina.com/2014/04/18/the-first-50000-unit-of-zte-v5-smartphone-is-sold-out-in-just-17-second/
> ZTE has officially launch the ZTE V5 smartphone on April 9, and now after
> 10 days, the ZTE has selling the ZTE v5 on the market, through the Jing
> Dong Mall.
> According to Chinese microblogging site, the ZTE is claimed that they
> successfully to sold more than 50,000 unit of ZTE V5 smartphone (actually
> in 53,587 units) in just 17 second.
> ZTE V5 is the first smartphone that comes with 4G connectivity, so the
> comsumer is looking for the high-end smartphone to pleasure their life.
> The new ZTE V5 smartphone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 quad-core
> processor, sports with 1GB of RAM and 4GB of ROM. The phone is packs with
> 5-inch Sharp HD 720P screen, and coupled with 5 megapixel front facing
> camera and 13 megapixel rear facing camera combination. The phone is also
> running their own user interface that also available in Nubia phone, that’s
> the NeoVision 3.0 UI.
> Sent by gReader
>     zp990
> {Captain S}
> --
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Berubah menjadi lebih terkendali bersama @kartuHalo Halo Fit Hybrid
Info Lengkap >> tsel.me/halohybrid   #KendalikanHidup
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Kunjungi  >> http://www.Qwords.com
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Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID >> http://goo.gl/NfzSGB

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