Ayo..ada yang berani?? :)


You gotta give it to OnePlus. For being a newcomer to the industry, they’ve
managed to make quite a name for themselves and it didn’t even take
spending a sh*t ton of money to do it. There’s no question they’re offering
a compelling product with the OnePlus
undercutting the big dogs and still offering a phone with more bang for the
buck. But it’s OnePlus’ grassroots marketing techniques that are raising
eyebrows for some.

Take their “Smash the Past” contest for instance. The promotion — which
doesn’t officially kick off for another 12 more hours — offers the upcoming
OnePlus One smartphone at an *extremely* discounted price of only $1. The
catch? You’ll have to smash your old smartphone to get it.

As we told you guys yesterday, you’ll first have to
<http://phandroid.com/2014/04/23/how-to-buy-oneplus-one/>*sign up
<http://phandroid.com/2014/04/23/how-to-buy-oneplus-one/>* for the chance
to be randomly 
Once chosen, you’ll then have the opportunity to prove your love for the
OnePlus One by destroying your old smartphone via whatever means necessary.
Unfortunately, it looks like we’re already seeing a few OnePlus One
hopefuls jump the gun, smashing their smartphones without first reading the
entry rules. It’s painful to watch, but you’ll find video proof below.

Again, you’re supposed to sign up for an invite first, then smash your
phone — not the other way around. Now, we’re sure a few of the people in
these videos didn’t damage their primary phone, probably some dusty old
ones they had laying around the house. That still doesn’t make it any less

And before you run over to their channels and leave them all kinds of nasty
insults (seriously, don’t do that), we think OnePlus could have exercised a
*teensy* bit more caution when advertising a promotion like this. We’re
still waiting around for full entry rules which, according to the Smash the
Past landing page <http://oneplus.net/smash>, says will be revealed in 12
hours time. In the meantime, hang on before putting those old phones on the
chopping block. Those looking to participate, you can sign up for the Smash
the Past contest via the link below.

[OnePlus <http://oneplus.net/smash> Smash the Past
<http://oneplus.net/smash>signups <http://oneplus.net/smash> | via

Read full article at

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