*Nokia Populating Android App Store without Developer

The Nokia X <http://forum.xda-developers.com/nokia-x> is quite a unique
“Android” device. And when we refer to the X as such, it’s only in the
loosest definition of the term. This is because the X packs such a heavily
skinned UI that you’d never be able to detect its distantly removed AOSP
underpinnings at first glance.

Naturally since Nokia is now officially owned by Microsoft, the Nokia X
lacks access to Google Play and related Google services. Instead, the
device relies on various Microsoft and Nokia services such as Nokia’s
Android App Store. This app store is run by Opera, which in turn has its
own Android app store <http://apps.opera.com/>.

So why’s all of this relevant? Well, it’s no surprise that even though the
vast majority of Android apps are capable of running seamlessly on the
Nokia X, developers haven’t exactly been jumping at the opportunity to load
their apps into Nokia’s Android app store. After all, why would a developer
with limited time resources target an app store that only one family of
(low end) devices can access? But rather than enticing application
developers to upload their existing apps to the Nokia app store, Nokia is
doing this for them and contacting users after the fact. This is where
things get a bit sticky.

Enter Ander <https://plus.google.com/117230458394250799679>
developer of the highly regarded
Yesterday, the developer received an email from
that they had created a developer account for him and populated it
with ADW.Launcher. All he had to do was to get in touch with them in order
for the application to go live. Naturally, this resulted in a great deal of
confusion, as this application was put in the Nokia app store without the
developer’s consent.

Upon learning of Ander Webbs’s dismay Opera software marketing team member Anna
in contact with  the developer, stating that this was done because the
application was available in the Opera Android app store. However, Ander
Webbs never registered as an Opera developer. Rather, he registered his
application with Handster, which was acquired by opera three years ago, and
the application was moved to its place in the Opera app
store<http://apps.opera.com/en_us/adwlauncher.html>without his
knowledge. This then enabled Opera to transfer the app to the
nascent Nokia Android App Store.

It’s easy to understand Nokia’s motivations in pursuing such a course of
action. After all, they’ve now got an Android device that’s perfectly
capable of running Android apps, but there aren’t too many apps available
for users to readily install without resorting to alternate app stores or
sideloading. But while these actions may not be as nefarious as if Nokia /
Opera had extracted the APK from the Google Play Store and uploaded it to
the Nokia Android App Store, they are still questionable at best.
Hopefully, this practice will come to an end and proper developer
recruitment <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMU0tzLwhbE> will take place.
That said, I wouldn’t hold my breath, given parent company Microsoft’s track
record in the 

*[Many thanks to OEM Relations Manager jerdog for the heads up!]*


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