*Google Play Store 4.8.22 has arrived, download and install it [APK]*
// *AndroidGuys*

New version of Google Play Store is here and with it we get some changes,
as usual. Here’s what’s new:

*New headers*
- Kirill Grouchnikov from Google posted a preview
<https://plus.google.com/+KirillGrouchnikov/posts/HQoUHuZLrwC> of the
changes made here, header images and action bar area has seen some changes
in the video and book sections of the Play Store. We can see more
transparency here as well as a nice fading effect when you slide down the
action bar. The search button is always at the far right now.
*New additional information section*
- Below the app listing itself you can now find an “Additional Information”
section. Here you can find the latest version of the app, installed size,
content rating and a link for permissions.
*Simplified permissions list*
- Permission are now set into categories like location, camera/microphone,
photos/media/files… you get a drop down-menu when you click one of them.
The descriptions are also more clear now.
*Bigger buttons*
- We did get bigger buttons in the 4.8.20 version
of the Play Store, but they seem even bigger now, which is great if you
keep on missing those for some reason. *PayPal support*
- This option isn’t available to everyone using this version just yet it
seems, although we guess it will be soon.

You can get all these changes right away if you want. The size of the
download is 6.7MB and you can download it from this
<http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23578570567713120> link.

Via: Android Police
Download: Google Play Store 4.8.22

The post Google Play Store 4.8.22 has arrived, download and install it [APK]
appeared first on AndroidGuys <http://www.androidguys.com>.


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