OS nya udah KitKat?
semoga link ini bisa menjelaskan:

No video upload/record on Samsung KitKat devices
Prior to our Path 4.0 update, we discovered that the KitKat OS (4.4+)
update on Samsung devices was causing problems for the video upload and
recording function in our Android app. As a result, many Samsung device
users on KitKat were reporting that video upload and recording was not
working, or even crashing the app.

As a result, in the Path 4.0 update we have removed this malfunctioning
video upload and recording feature for all Samsung devices running KitKat.
Our team are going to investigate what is causing these problems, and we
hope to return the fully-working video feature at some stage in the future.

Uploading and recording videos in messaging on Path for Android has never
been possible, and is still not currently an option in Path Talk. We are
also hoping to add this feature to Path Talk for all Android users at some
stage in the future.

On 27 Aug 2014 08:31, "Ahriel Darmansyah" <ahriel.adarmans...@gmail.com>

> Pagi, rekan-rekan
> Mau cerita nih, pagi-pagi ada teman yang nanya path doi ga bisa upload
> video, padahal size video tersebut hanya 4mb. Dan pilihan dari gallery
> hanya bisa image. Adakah rekan-rekan yang pernah mengalami hal serupa? Atau
> mungkin tau caranya?
> Saya udah coba clear data, clear cache dan uninstall app lalu install
> kembali masih belum solve.
> Terima kasih, mohon bantuannya ^^
> Sent from Beauty and Power Handheld With Flagship DNA
> --
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Berubah menjadi lebih terkendali bersama @kartuHalo Halo Fit Hybrid
Info Lengkap >> tsel.me/halohybrid   #KendalikanHidup
Gunakan layanan Hosting Indonesia yang stabil, terjangkau dan aman
Kunjungi  >> http://www.Qwords.com
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Kontak Admin, Twitter  @agushamonangan

Aturan Umum  ID-ANDROID >> http://goo.gl/NfzSGB

Join Forum   ID-ANDROID >> http://forum.android.or.id
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