Setau saya password bisa bocor karena pencurian saat pengetikan password
tsb. (Mungkin pakai login page palsu, keylogger, dsb)
Kalau sudah tersimpan di database server kan password sudah di-acak jadi
kode lain.
Biarpun database berhasil dibaca, belum tentu isi password langsung ketauan.

~Going Pro with LG G Pro 4.4.2~
On Sep 10, 2014 11:19 PM, "Eko Prasetiyo" <> wrote:

> Ini beneran ato phising/hoax?
> According to the Daily Dot, nearly 5 million usernames and passwords to
> Gmail accounts have been leaked on a Russian Bitcoin forum. Here's what you
> should know.
> The list has since been taken down, and most sources are saying that lots
> of the information is quite oldâ EURO "though others are claiming 60% of the
> passwords are still valid (not to mention really, really horrible).
> To check if your password was one of the leaked, plug your Gmail address
> into this tool (which also checks against recent Yandex and leaks).
> If you're paranoid, you may also want to change your password at this time.
> As always, make sure you use a strong password and enable two-factor
> authentication on your account. Hit the link to read more.
> --
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