Not sure if you want to hide your shiny new iPhone's newfangled design
in a bulky
case <>? Maybe you should --
apparently, it's quite pliable. iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users on Twitter seem
to be finding small, but noticeable bends just south of the handsets'
volume controls. Front-pocket storage is all it takes to give the handset a
gentle slope, according to some users, but it can be bent other ways too.
Back pockets and malicious YouTube users
<> (video from Unbox Therapy
after the break) can both bend the device to their will.

Some say that extra-tight jeans are to blame, but it's really an issue of
building materials -- the iPhone 6 and 6+ feature an aluminum chassis
spread over a wider area than any previous iPhone. Aluminum is a naturally
soft metal; with enough pressure and leverage, it's going to bend, and some
owners reported similar issues
<> with the iPhone 5.
Metallurgy aside, though, it's still a potential drawback for Apple users
thinking of upgrading.

*If you intend to work under a genius, you'd better be ready to see Hell
(Komikado-sensei, 2013)*

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