Mas Bram,

saya cuma copy paste dari sini yah:!-more-speed-for-your-Spica-!/page9

To all those people who got the error in which it says system cant be
mounted and such here's what you do:
1-Download a terminal emulator onto your phone I found that the
terminal emulator by Jack Palevich or something like that is a pretty
good one and its free.
2-Unpack the zip file on you computer.
3-move the contained in sytem/lib(from the unpacked zip
file) to the root of your sd card.
4-open the terminal emulator on your phone
5-type this in EXACTLY how i write it spaces,cases and all but if
something is already there leave it as it is and don't type the parts
in brackets.
export PATH=/data/local/bin:$PATH
$ $su (after this you should get a confirmation from your root user
#remount rw /system/lib
# cat /sdcard/ > /system/lib/ reboot
(thats the end of it)
After this your spica should reboot and whn it does if you take a
linpack test depending on which file you used (I used the one with
JIT) you'll notice a definite improvement especially after a couple of
I can confirm that this worked at least for me as i now have a linpack
score of with all apps killed of around 7.446 FLOPS.
Try it and tell me if it works for you.

EDIT:After rebooting to recovery and clearing dalvik cache I managed
to get a high of 8.2 MFLOPS

On 31 Mei, 16:13, Bram Prasetiya <> wrote:
> Dear suhu....
> kok saya ga bisa yah...
> pas nginstall keluar kyk gini
> ...... install from sdcard .....
> Finding update package...
> Opening update package...
> Verifying update package...
> Installing update ...
> Copying files ....
> E:Cant mount /dev/st16
> (invalid argument)
> E:Cant Mount SYSTEM:
> E:Failure at line 2:
> copy_dir PACKAGE:system SYSTEM:
> Installation aborted.
> pake wjit ato wojit tetep ga bisa..
> mohon solusinya suhu...
> saya pake JD1 + LK2.03.3 + samdroidMod 1.0.2
> oh iya lam kenal...
> udh lama join, tp baru kali ini posting :D

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