An Angel Directs the Storm: Apocalyptic Religion and American Empire
Author: Michael Northcott
Publisher: I. B. Tauris
ISBN: 1850434786
Edition: 2004-12-17
Number of Pages 220

Book Description
This   passionately   argued   book   provides   the   first  in-depth
investigation   of   the   religious   politics  of  current  American
neo-conservatism.  It  shows  that  behind  the neo-imperialism of the
White  House  and  George  W.  Bush  lies an apocalyptic vision of the
United  States's sacred destiny "at the end of history", a vision that
is  shared  by  millions  of Americans. The authors trace the roots of
American   apocalyptic   to  Puritan  Millennialism  and  contemporary
fundamentalist  readings  of the Book of Revelation. They suggest that
Americans  urgently  need  to recover a critique of Empire of the kind
espoused  by  the  founder  of  Christianity--or  else  risk  becoming
idolaters of a new Holy Roman Empire that leads others into servitude.


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