Gile barang-nya ajah blm nongol udah pada kloteran..hehehe
Tapi ogut mo ikutan ah... Tp siapa nih yg bakal mesen-nya?

Antonius Widjaja
-----Original Message-----
From: snydez <>
Date: Sunday, Jan 18, 2009 5:56 am
Subject: Re: [id-PalmOS] Palm Pre
To: id-pal...@yahoogroups.comreply-to:

>itu GSM udah unlock belom?
>-yang mau dikloterin?
> On 1/17/09, re...@milis <> wrote:
>> Sama mau Pak...ikut kloteran yg GSM ya Pak :)
>> On 1/17/09, i...@byon <> wrote:
>>> Siapa mau kloteran WebOS?
>>> -Iwan P-
>>> *seneng punya gadget yg gede pada zamannya*
>>> Palm Vx - Treo 650 CDMA - Centro - Next. Palm Pre
>>> From: [] On
>>> Behalf
>>> Of er1ck
>>> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:18
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [id-PalmOS] Palm Pre
>>> sok atuh kapan bkin kloteran, milu-an ah , ehuehuehue...udh cape selingkuh
>>> sama winmo neeeh
>>> 2009/1/12 Wiwi sac...@macosx86 <
>>> <> >
>>>> AFAIK, prinsip si SJ tuh bikin alat perpanjangan dr komputer di rumah.
>>>> Tapi kayanya dia cuma bidik pasar consumer, bukan pasar corporate. Jd
>>>> semua ya kebanyakan faktor fun dan wah nya doang. ipod touch sebagai
>>>> PDA? real PDA? mmmmm... saya sih males yah. Nga ada blutut, nga bisa
>>>> transfer2 file via blutut, cuma bisa via wifi, nga bisa DUN ke HP kan
>>>> jadinya? Nga sebanding sama TX. Closed environtment. dikasih 8/16/32GB,
>>>> tapi nga bisa jd mass storage, sama jg boong. mobile, but tied so tight
>>>> to the PC.
>>>> Kalo saya liat, palm pre melakukan langkah yg sangat berani. Harap2
>>>> semoga aja jangan sampe dia kurang modal utk cukupin target HW yg
>>>> terjual. Jaman krisis gitu loh. Kalo baca impression org dimana2 soal
>>>> pre, mostly, they looking forward to see the real device and if the
>>>> price is right, they surely jump into it.
>>>> 2 taun lalu pasar palm dimakan iphone, skrg pasar iphone bakal dimakan
>>>> palm lagi.. i hope he he he..
>>>> pre got almost everything that iphone has and much more.
>>>> -multitouch
>>>> -accelerometer (bener nga nih nulisnya?)
>>>> -proximity sensor (bener jg nga yah?)
>>>> bahkan konsep tombol back (atau home?) jg mirip bgt iphone (yg nonjol
>>>> ditengah bawah itu)
>>>> -good multimedia, great screen
>>>> -wifi, BT, GPS, HSDPA
>>>> Plus nya:
>>>> -removable battery
>>>> -real qwerty keyboard (yeah, some dont like the sliding idea, but for
>>>> me, it's okay)
>>>> -mass storage mode (ini yg nga pernah dikasih sama SJ dan apple nya)
>>>> -hopefully and wishfully, full mode of bluetooth, bisa transfer file,
>>>> bisa DUN, bisa PAN, bisa pa

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