ih kerasa intuitif bgt jg ya pesan pesan codes nya :-)

jadi enak ni punya pilihan2x suka2x.

On 08/04/2008, Widi Harsojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
>  class EntryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
>   fixtures :entries
>   context "Entries" do
>     def setup
>       # code to be run before all test methods
>     end
>     should "a.not save new record without user_id" do
>           new_entry = Entry.new(:user_id => nil, :text => 'x'*100)
>       assert_equal false, new_entry.save
>     end
>   ....
>   ....
>  end
>  result!
>  rake test:units
>  (in C:/rails/tw)
>  c:/ruby/bin/ruby -Ilib;test 
> "c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.3/lib/rake/
>  rake_test_loader.rb" "test/unit/entry_test.rb" 
> "test/unit/invitations_test.rb"
>  Loaded suite 
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.3/lib/rake/rake_test_loader
>  Started
>  F......FE
>  Finished in 0.391 seconds.
>   1) Failure:
>  test: Entries should a.not save new record without user_id. (EntryTest)
>     [./test/unit/entry_test.rb:13
>      C:/rails/tw/vendor/plugins/shoulda/lib/shoulda/gem/shoulda.rb:190
>      C:/rails/tw/vendor/plugins/shoulda/lib/shoulda/gem/shoulda.rb:190]:
>  <false> expected but was
>  <true>.
>   2) Failure:
>  test: Invitations should c.not save new record with email password excedd 64 
> cha
>  r. (InvitationsTest)
>     [./test/unit/invitations_test.rb:24
>      C:/rails/tw/vendor/plugins/shoulda/lib/shoulda/gem/shoulda.rb:190
>      C:/rails/tw/vendor/plugins/shoulda/lib/shoulda/gem/shoulda.rb:190]:
>  <false> expected but was
>  <true>.
>   3) Error:
>  test: Invitations should d.not save new record without user. 
> (InvitationsTest):
>  ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: #23000Column 'user_id' cannot 
> be n
>  ull: INSERT INTO ....
>     ./test/unit/invitations_test.rb:30
>     C:/rails/tw/vendor/plugins/shoulda/lib/shoulda/gem/shoulda.rb:190
>     C:/rails/tw/vendor/plugins/shoulda/lib/shoulda/gem/shoulda.rb:190
>  9 tests, 8 assertions, 2 failures, 1 errors
>  rake aborted!
>  Command failed with status (1): [c:/ruby/bin/ruby -Ilib;test 
> "c:/ruby/lib/r...]
>  (See full trace by running task with --trace)
>  On 4/8/08, Widi Harsojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Kebetulan lagi dapet kerjaan nge-test program rails, tadinya mo make RSpec
>  > eeeee, check di rubyinside malah nyoba-in shoulda
>  > ("http://giantrobots.thoughtbot.com/";)
>  >
>  > nice and apalagi ada macro2nya jadi codenya dikiiiiit banget he he he....
>  >
>  > apalagi yang ngerasa standard test di rails kebanyakan underscore,
>  > RSpec terlalu .......

rspec terlalu gampang ya? :-P Emang pada nggak salah tuh semua, rspec
cuman buat mainan anak-anak -_-

>  > http://mtnwestrubyconf2008.confreaks.com/12saleh.html
>  >
>  > Best Regards,
>  > Widi Harsojo

blog: http://tinyurl.com/2bjgvn,
ruby: http://www.ruby-lang.org/id/about

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Servers are cheap...", Ezra Zygmuntowicz - Merb

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