RoR menggunakan request dispatcher yg bisa diatur mapping nya.

application.html.erb ini file layout utk view

2008/5/8 monica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> mo tanya dong klo di Ruby on Rails tu halaman pertama yag dimunculin
> tu yang ada di folder view/layout/application.html.erb??? (klo di PHP
> kn yg index.html)
> ko saya edit bagian itu tapi tetep error y...
> pesen errornya kaya gini:
> The Proxy Server received an invalid response from an upstream server
> The proxy server could not handle the request GET/.
> rason :could not connect to remote machine : unknown error
> itu kenapa y???
> apa yg harus dibenerin???
> mohon bgt bantuannya...
> makasih banyak...
> mawar
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Y! : irfani_s

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