Hai all, Saya masih kurang pd untuk coding model yang punya asosiasi has_many through. Saya berhasil buat Product sesuai dengan asosiasi yang diharapkan, tapi nggak bisa update dengan error NoMethodError:
undefined method `reciters=' for #<Product:0xb71a77e8> Padahal di procuct_controller sama2 pake @product.reciters. Tapi kenapa pas update nggak bisa ya..? Please help. Di bawah saya sisipkan potongan kode2 terkait. Thanks, Dida product_controller.rb ====================== def create @product = Product.new(params[:product]) if @product.save unless params[:reciters].blank? @product.reciters << Qori.find(params[:reciters]) end flash[:notice] = 'New product successfully created.' redirect_to :action => 'index' else render :action => 'new' end end def update @product = Product.find(params[:id]) @product.update_attributes(params[:product]) unless params[:reciters].blank? @product.reciters = Qori.find(params[:reciters]) end if @product.save flash[:notice] = 'Product has been updated.' redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @product else render :action => 'edit' end end ================== product_controller.rb product.rb ================== class Product < ActiveRecord::Base ... has_many :pilihan_qoris has_many :reciters, :through => :pilihan_qoris, :source => :qori ... qori.rb ================= class Qori < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :products has_many :pilihan_qoris has_many :creations, :through => :pilihan_qoris, :source => :product ... ================= [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]