
we welcome all people with different background, from other programming 
languages, even from different race, different language, different 
nationality, different skin colour, different religion, even only 
various different Indonesian tribe, non coders like investors, business 
people, recruiters, not-employed-yet guys, college students, students, 
univ students, hobbyists (very much like me then), retired people, we 
welcome all of people who would want to see and feel The World of Ruby 
in Indonesia.

Oh and regarding JRuby, we're actually fascinated about it as well, so 
of course for our java friends, we welcome you too.

See you on Saturday!

Fikir saya dalam hati keterusan dalam inggeris lepas cakap banyak orang 
luar / maap rusak2x i admit it.. hard to switch reflexly and 
automatically to Bahasa Indonesia all at once.

Andry S Huzain wrote:

> Sabtu ini aja sekalian.
> Temen2 JUG kalau mau datang juga gapapa kan. Secara ini ngomongin JRuby
> gitu. Java + Ruby.
> 2008/7/31 Joshua Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:joshua.java%40gmail.com>>
>  > Ya gimana baiknya aja deh. Mungkin sebagai initial start gw sharing
>  > JRuby aja dulu. Yang berikutnya baru compare Grails dan Rails.
>  > Kira-kira dari id-ruby bisanya kapan ndry? Biar gw bikin announcement
>  > di milis jug.

"Don't ask if you can ask, just ask!", R2D2

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