Waduhngak salah neh…? Sampai dikirim 4 kali berturut-turut… dengan 4 attachment yang file size-nya sebesar 600 Kb…. Eh ternyata attachment-nya udah pernah di post di milis sini pula...


Sedih dehHik..



Yang download pake GPRS (bayar Rp 60.000 dengan percuma - 600kb x 4 file x Rp 25 per kb)


-----Original Message-----
From: idakrisnashow@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:21 PM
To: idakrisnashow@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Ida-Krisna Show] Fwd: Fw: First World Indonesia.


"Morning greetings doesn't only mean saying 'Good Morning'.
It has silent message saying that I remember you when I wake up.
Wish you have a Great Day!" -- Ida & Krisna

Jangan lupa untuk selalu menyimak Ida Krisna Show di 99.1 DeltaFM
Senin - Jumat, pukul 06.00 - 10.00 WIB
SMS di 0818-333582

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