Mbak Laras sekarang IKS udah bubar, buktinya jam.06.00 udah ngga ada Mas Krisna sama Mbak Ida, so gw mau quit aja akh
tp gw pengen banget ngerasain yang namanya klapertart hehehehehe

larasati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
tergantung mba ida...., mau ga kalo kita ketemuan....

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Ida-Krisna Show] Klapertart

Iya nich mba' Laras kapan nich
jangan lupa undangannya ya.......


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 06/01/2006 11:47 PM

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To:    idakrisnashow


Subject:    Re: [Ida-Krisna Show] Klapertart

aq denger nya sih begitu, ga tau nih yg lain,
----- Original Message -----
From:  Bilal
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 5:23  PM
Subject: Re: [Ida-Krisna Show]  Klapertart

On 1/6/06, larasati  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
ihhhhhhhh mas Bilal, nike itu sejenis bakwan,  enak sekali.
kalo paniki sih, dekat bandara.

Hi...hi....hi..... M'bak Laras  ...oh iya bener ya .... dikira yang ada
M'bak ... aku liat  beberapa kali di milist mo ada acara ...... temu resep
dan pencicip makanan  nich

boleh nich numpang cicip cicip

Bilal  Ueey......

"Morning greetings doesn't only mean saying 'Good Morning'.
It has silent message saying that I remember you when I wake up.
Wish you have a Great Day!" -- Ida & Krisna

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"Morning greetings doesn't only mean saying 'Good Morning'.
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"Morning greetings doesn't only mean saying 'Good Morning'.
It has silent message saying that I remember you when I wake up.
Wish you have a Great Day!" -- Ida & Krisna

Jangan lupa untuk selalu menyimak Ida Krisna Show di 99.1 DeltaFM
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