coba liat di atau di (disini infonya paling lengkap), 
atau di
  kalo setahu saya salah satu fungsi darah kan sebagai alat transportasi untuk 
mengantarkan nutrisi dan oksigen ke jaringan2 di dalam tubuh, kalau darah 
kental pasti aliran darahnya lambat & pasokan nutrisi & oksigen ke jaringan 
jadi lebih lambat, karena itu tubuh jadi lemes dan otak sebagai konsumen yg 
membutuhkan pasokan oksigen yang besar jadi kerja otak jadi terganggu deh. maaf 
kalau yang saya tuliskan ada yang salah.
  ini yg dari wikipedia:
  Antiphospholipid syndrome
  Antiphospholipid syndrome  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  
Antiphospholipid syndrome (or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome) is a disorder 
of coagulation which causes thrombosis in both arteries and veins, as well as 
recurrent miscarriage. It is due to the autoimmune production of antibodies 
against cell membrane constituents. It is also referred to as Hughes syndrome 
after the rheumatologist Dr Graham R.V. Hughes (St. Thomas' Hospital, London, 
UK) who now works treating Lupus and Hughes Syndrome at the London Lupus Centre.
  A very rare form is the catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome, in which 
there is rapid organ dysfunction and failure. It carries a high mortality.
  Signs and symptoms  The presence of antiphospholipid antibodies (APLAs) is 
suggested by thrombosis (arterial or venous) and recurrent miscarriage 
(especially in the second trimester, but often earlier). Other common findings, 
although not part of the classification, are thrombocytopenia (low platelet 
count) and livedo reticularis (a skin condition). Many patients report 
headaches and migraines.
  APLAs are present in the blood in the context of a number of diseases, most 
notably systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). One can only speak of 
antiphospholipid syndrome when there are no other symptoms of one of these 
diseases (e.g. arthritis suggestive of SLE). Very few patients with the 
syndrome go on to develop SLE.
  Antiphospholipid Syndrome can also mimic MS with an estimated 10% of Multiple 
Sclerosis patients misdiagnosed. As Antiphospholipid Syndrome does not always 
produce T2 weighted abnormalities it is likely that some patients who have been 
diagnosed as suffering from hysteria/conversion disorder may in fact have 
Antiphospholipid Syndrome.
  Laboratory  The diagnosis is often entertained in cases of thrombophilia 
(recurrent thrombosis) or recurrent miscarriage. Tests that are often performed 
at the same time are a full blood count, liver enzyme studies and renal 
function studies.
  Thrombophilia screening can consist of:
   Screening coagulation studies: APTT, PT and TT.   
   Further studies for Factor V Leiden variant and the prothrombin mutation, 
Factor VIII levels, MTHFR mutation.   
   Levels of protein C, free and total protein S, Factor VIII, antithrombin, 
plasminogen, tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) and plasminogen activator 
inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) 
  Antiphospholipid syndrome is tested for in the laboratory by using a minimum 
of two coagulation tests that are phospholipid sensitive. The patient on 
initial screening will typically have been found to have a prolonged APTT that 
does not correct in an 80:20 mixture with normal human plasma (50:50 mixes with 
normal plasma are insensitive to all but the highest antibody levels). The APTT 
(plus 80:20 mix), dilute Russell's viper venom time (DRVVT), the kaolin 
clotting time (KCT) or dilute thromboplastin time {TDT/DTT) are the principal 
tests used for the detection of lupus anticoagulant. A further antibody can be 
detected using an enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) immunological test, 
which screens for the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies.
  Low platelet count and positivity for antibodies against β2-glycoprotein 
or phosphotidylserine may also be observed in a positive diagnosis.
  Diagnosis  The diagnosis is made in case of a clinical event (thrombosis or 
recurrent miscarriage after 10 weeks gestation) and repeated positive tests of 
lupus anticoagulant and/or anticardiolipin antibodies performed 6–8 weeks 
apart. Repeat testing is necessary due to the naturally occurring presence of 
transient high levels of antiphospholipid antibodies following infection and 
inflammation. Other antibodies, although implicated, are not yet considered 
relevant for diagnosis.
  Pathogenesis  Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease, in which 
antibodies react against anionic phospholipids on cell membranes. Being an 
autoimmune disease, it is more common in women than in men. The exact cause is 
not known, but activation of the system of coagulation is evident.
  Treatment  Often, this disease is treated by giving aspirin to inhibit 
platelet activation, and/or warfarin as an anticoagulant. The goal of the 
prophylactic treatment is to maintain the patient's INR between 2.0–3.0. It is 
not usually done in patients who have not had any thrombotic symptoms. During 
pregnancy, heparin is used instead of warfarin because of warfarin's 
  Women with recurrent miscarriage are often advised to take aspirin and to 
start heparin (or low molecular weight heparin) treatment after missing a 
period. This is the most effective treatment at the moment.
Elif Augusta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Met siang, 

Saya minta info lengkap tentang penyakit darah kental atau istilah
kedokteraannya APS dong.. Bisa gk saya dapet hari ini.. ?/


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