Pernah nonton film Patch Adams?
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kesehatan di Amerika Serikat.
Sesuatu yang juga bisa diterapkan di Indonesia.

Eko Rasyanto Harimurti Mtj

The Gesundheit! Hospital Project

by Patch Adams, M.D.

I entered medical school in 1967 to use medicine as a vehicle for social
change. I used my free time to study the history of health care delivery
around the world and to look at contemporary models with the idea of
creating a medical model that would address all the problems of the way care
is delivered. I didn't intend to create a model that would be the answer to
the problems; but to model creative problem solving, and to spark each
medical facility to design their own ideal rather than succumb to the
garbage of managed care, or a resignation to the impossibility of humanistic
care. Beginning in the climate of the political "war on poverty," I felt
confident that a free hospital to serve the poorest state, West Virginia,
would find easy funding and that we would be built in four years. I smile
writing this as we enter our 33rd year without having broken ground on the
hospital. However, we have asked our architect to go to finished drawings so
that we can begin building as soon as we have funding in hand. None of the
journey has gone as I imagined and the vision is so much deeper, more
comprehensive and far-reaching as a consequence of such deliberate progress.

The original vision had all the principles we have maintained all these
years. There would be no charge for the care. Barter was also not an option.
In fact, we wanted to eliminate the idea of debt in the medical interaction
as a way to begin recreating human community. We didn't want people to think
they owed something; we wanted them to think they belonged to something. We
could not conceive of a community that did not care for its people. This
also meant a refusal to accept third party reimbursement, both to refuse
payment and to sever the stranglehold that insurance companies had on how
medicine was practiced. We would have nothing to do with malpractice
insurance, which forces fear and mistrust into every medical interaction. We
espouse the politics of vulnerability and are clearly aware that we can only
offer caring and never promise curing. In such a flagrantly imperfect
science, we need the right to make mistakes.

The loudest cry of patients was for compassion and attention, which was a
call for time. So initial interviews with patients were three to four hours
long, so that we could fall in love with each other. Intimacy was the
greatest gift we could give them, especially at a death bed, with
intractable pain or chronic, unsolved medical problems. It was natural to
insist on a house call to sweeten this intimacy. When I made a house call, I
opened every drawer and snooped in every closet. I wanted to know the
patients in all of their complexities. An apparent secret in the practice of
medicine (so easily erased when business is the context) is how care is
bidirectional. This intimacy is as important for the care giver as it is the
patient. The bidirectionality of healing is at the core of preventing
burnout. The business of medicine has connected the word care with the
concept "burden," to describe all who need care, who are not wealthy. But we
found the unencumbered practice of medicine is an ecstatic experience.

In spending this amount of time with patients, we found that the vast
majority of our adult population does not have a day to day vitality for
life (which we would define as good health). The idea that a person was
healthy because of normal lab values and clear x-rays had no relationship to
who the person was. Good health was much more deeply related to close
friendships, meaningful work, a lived spirituality of any kind, an
opportunity for loving service and an engaging relationship to nature, the
arts, wonder, curiosity, passion and hope. All of these are time-consuming,
impractical needs. When we don't meet these needs, the business of high-tech
medicine diagnoses mental illness and treats with pills.

What the majority need is an engagement with life. This is why we fully
integrated medicine with performing arts, arts and crafts, agriculture,
nature, education, recreation and social service, as essential parts of
health care delivery. We knew that the best medical thing we could do for
the patients was to help them have grand friendship skills and find meaning
in their lives. This is a major reason that the staff's home was the
hospital. We insisted on friendships with our patients (made easy by not
charging, and giving them our lives). A patient ideally would bring their
whole family while they were healthy, and stay a few days as friends,
becoming familiar with the hospital (home, sanctuary), so that just being
there was relaxing, even healing.

We wanted patients to bring all their interests and skills to essentially
become temporary staff as well as patients during their stay. For example,
if a car mechanic came as a patient, we could notify the poor in our greater
community who might need their car fixed, and have it happen while the
mechanic was getting care. The mechanic may also give classes on basic
mechanics. All these features help build community, creating a sense of
interdependence. Those receiving care can not feel indebted because they
become both the help and the helped.

To help promote diversity and truly to be full service in our planned
facility, we insist on integrating all the healing arts. Allopathic
medicine, including surgery, ob/gyn, pediatrics, internal medicine, family
practice and psychiatry, will work hand in hand with complementary medicine,
including acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, ayurvedic,
anthroposophic, herbal, body work and faith healing. It will be an exciting
opportunity to study how they can all work together under close observation.
The entire environment will be an example of preventive medicine exploring
how to help a patient and their family grow healthy (or at least healthier!)

>From the beginning, social, environmental and global health were felt to be
essential as part of our medical practice. There, violence and injustice
became medical issues. Unemployment, the discrepancies between rich and
poor, poverty, pollution, corrupt governments and economic systems all
become concerns of a medical practice. There was always an invitation and
encouragement to become involved in social change, even if the individual
did not feel it affected their life. We want to build a fine community of
people whose ethic is caring for all. Now, we have added to our vision a
school to teach social change with the whole community as its laboratory.
Agriculture will not just be about feeding people, but an exploration into
sustainable agriculture. We'll use designing the community as an experiment
in appropriate technology.

One of the most radical parts of the vision was that we wanted all of the
activity to be infused with fun. I wanted to build the first silly hospital
in history. Foolishness was embraced, often to extreme, in even the most
profound of situations. We had fun deaths and bizarre, outlandish behaviors
with the mentally ill. In our normal, serious world with somber medical
environments (even though no research supports being serious and thousands
of research papers encourage joy and humor as healing), we saw no
contradiction in feeling that a hospital could also be an amusement park,
even implying it is important for staff and patient.

The ideal staff people we looked for were, by intention, happy, funny,
loving, cooperative and creative. I knew the key to the creation of this
beautiful model was in the people deciding and choosing to live there;
because it is people that really make a model. Ideas can only be as real as
the people living them. Politically, our most potent wedge for change would
be living happily together, in constant, joyful service, fully expressing
our creative selves at extremely low salaries. The point was not to try to
teach a staff this, but to find people for whom this was their way of life.

In our first 12 years (1971-1983) we did all this as a pilot project. Twenty
adults and our children moved into a large, six-bedroom house and called
ourselves a hospital. We were open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a
week, for all manner of medical problems from birth to death. Three of the
adults were physicians. We saw 500-1000 people each month, with five to
fifty overnight guests a night; totaling 15,000 people over those 12 years.
We were never sued. At least three thousand of the patients had mental
illness and we did not give psychiatric medicines. We referred out what we
could not handle. It was truly ecstatic, fascinating, and stimulating. No
one gave us a donation and we were 0:1400 for foundation grants, so our
staff had to work part-time jobs to pay to practice medicine. After nine
years of nobody leaving, most staff said they felt we would never be funded,
and wanted to stop. It was the saddest moment for me, for I loved all of
them and knew that I had to persevere.

I tried to recreate the work for three more years and realized that in order
to continue, I need a facility to support this model of care. Now the job
was to raise the funds to build it. It appeared that our ideas were too
radical to get conventional funding, and so I realized that we had to go to
the people of the world to get the needed funds. The model for that in
modern society is through publicity and fame. So I broke a basic tenet of
our philosophy-no publicity-and became public. For the last 20 years we have
climbed that fame and fortune ladder in hopes that we would attract funds to
build our ideal rather than compromise the vision. This went to monstrous
extremes in 1998 when a feature film, "Patch Adams," was released with Robin
Williams playing me.

These efforts have brought us a three hundred seventeen acre farm in
Pocahontas County, West Virginia. The land has three waterfalls, with caves
behind one. We built a four acre pond, there is a mountain of hardwood trees
and twenty-eight acres of rich bottom land that has had no chemicals on it
for 22 years. We have built two beautiful buildings in anticipation of
someday building the hospital. Two years ago, with a little sadness that the
hospital was still not built, and a hunger to begin seeing patients again, I
agreed to consider reopening with a first phase that would include an
outpatient clinic and a school for social change, with residence facilities
for the staff. We have asked our architect of 21 years to give us finished
drawings for it. We owe no money and have a good start for Phase 1.

I could feel frustrated, even sad, that the hospital is still unbuilt.
However, in the long run it may prove to have been a very positive time
line. After 33 years, we have built a much larger, more diverse, more
intelligent, more globally influential model than we ever dreamed of in
those first 12 incubating years. Our global impact has affected far more
patients' lives and inspired more social change than if we had gotten our
funding early on. My failure at fund raising has forced me and our
evolutionary staff and friends to expand in every direction and meet a
quality and quantity of people that make our greater team of friends and
contacts number in the thousands in almost every area of endeavor;
especially healing, the arts, and social change. Gesundheit! has indeed
become a global mover and shaker active in forty or more countries,
expanding beautifully all the time.

When we build the model with people serving it, full and part time, its
example will be breathtaking with a process already in place to have an
important impact because a variation of that is happening already. The
patients of our first 12 years were individuals and families looking closely
at their organ systems. The patients of our last 20 years have been
communities and societies looking at their organ systems: environmental,
social, political, economic. All of these "patients" will dance through the
hospital when it is built. I have had to earn the funds to support these
last 20 years' activities, with every month being a creative journey of
survival. Since the film's release, we're not on such a survival edge, but
we have still not raised funds for major construction. The beauty of the
journey makes patience easy, especially since every day is wildly exciting
and globally influential, regardless of the building progress. This is not
to say that the building of the hospital is any less important. On the
contrary: it is more important than ever since it has remained, these 31
years, the only model in the U.S. (and one of few in the world) to
comprehensively address health care delivery problems. Our example of joyful
persistence alone is an important, inspiring model for the changes needed in
the world.

We stopped seeing patients in 1983 to devote ourselves to fund raising full
time for the hospital, by expanding out into the world. I began lecturing
and performing on a wide variety of subjects (fifty lectures, shows and
workshops) with every imaginable kind of audience and with as many as eleven
lectures in a day. All levels of education from elementary schools to
medical schools (most of the ones in the United States and in thirty to
forty countries), churches, community centers, conferences and corporations.
For most of the time it was for 150-200 days a year and 300 days a year
since the film, always all over the world. A constant flow of publicity and
my two books translated into ten languages and the film have made our
project part of the medical dialogue all over the world when referring to
humanized health care.

During these 20 years our clown healing work has expanded all over the
world, so that clowns are now a regular part of hospitals on every continent
and this is expanding as people hear the message that it is really about
spreading joy in every public space as gestures toward peace, justice and
care. I started taking clowns to prisons, foreign countries, even to refugee
camps and war zones. For 18 years I've taken thirty clowns from all over the
world to Russia for two weeks of clowning in hospitals, orphanages, prisons
and nursing homes, as well as airports, subways, streets and hotels. Ten
years ago this led to our getting involved in the care of orphans in Russia
in work that is now recognized all over. We have taken clowns into the war
in Bosnia, the Kosovo refugee camps in Macedonia, the Rumanian AIDS
orphanages, African refugee camps, Cuba, China, El Salvador, Korea and
Haiti. As I write this, we took twenty-two clowns from all six continents
and ten tons of aid for three and a half weeks into the war in Afghanistan.
Because this work has connected us with many aid and relief organizations
(like Airline Ambassadors), it is now easy to organize huge quantities of
people and aid quickly and effectively. These experiences have also gotten
us involved in the global conversations on conflict resolution.

All of our gestures of love and fun have been a magnet for beautiful people
who want to devote their lives to loving service. Every year thousands of
doctors and nurses tell me they would be willing to live and work full time
40 to 60 hour weeks in our hospital for $3,000/year. Many more want to come
part time. Students of medicine from all over the world constantly entreat
us to let them come study what we are doing. This may be the most important
reason to get the hospital built.

Nine years ago a special group of old and new friends began to come together
in a real group commitment toward the dream; our second major staff change.
No longer did I have to carry the vision alone because the individuals of
this group-though quite diverse in thought and personality-each felt they
found a place and readiness in themselves to want to be and work for the
now-collective vision. For any project created by one person this is a grand
step so that the vision can continue if something happens to the visionary.
Another important bonus is that each of them brings their special interests
and talents to the project to vastly broaden how the multiple tasks I used
to do now get done, and each adds their blessed creativity again enhancing
every part of the vision. What it feels like to me is that now everything is
in place to make the hospital a reality.

We plan to build a forty-bed rural community hospital. There will be sixty
beds for staff and beds for their families in a creative, comfortable
communal hospital. There will also be forty beds for guests who would be
healing arts students on electives, ophthal-mology teams every three months,
plumbers, string quartets, and anyone wanting a service-oriented vacation.
There will be 30,000 square feet devoted to the arts in a fully
arts-centered hospital. There will be a school for social change and
in-depth agricultural programs. It will be funny looking, full of surprises
and magic. We'll be exploring how far below the national average our
effective operating budget can run-I believe we'll be shockingly
inexpensive. Our ideal is that an endowment would cover the annual costs and
realize without this we'll find creative ways to pay for its operation.

There will be a forty-acre village to house our children's school (also for
sick children and children of sick parents) and other important community
experiments, like how to integrate all ages in a fun, healthy way. Staff
persons who've served for four years and want a little distance from the
intensity of the hospital can create their fantasy living space in our

I want to tell all readers that the journey has been heavenly all along the
way. Simply being in an idealist quest is its own reward. I've never felt
I've sacrificed anything or thought it was a hard journey. Hard would have
been having to work in corporate medicine and lie to patients and myself
every day. My concern for humanity's future drives me to want to put
whatever efforts I can to changing everything that hurts people and nature.
The Gesundheit! Institute is that for me, and so many others.

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