On 26/05/2021 11:45, Tal Einat wrote:
> Alan and André, since you've both given positive feedback about this
> change, I'm interested in your perspectives about two problems which
> Raymond Hettinger brought up on the bpo issue [1]:
> 1. Reduced clarity of separation between input and output lines.

Since I haven't seen the new presentation yet, I'm still on 3.8, I can't
really comment. Cound output lines not easily be made more (or less)
prominent by  a simple change of font/colour? It sounds like it should
be easy to fix if a problem.

> 2. Increased indentation of outputs reduces horizontal screen
> real-estate, which is an issue for examples in presentations and books.

I can sympathise with this since my recent book on curses had to be
formatted to fit the narrow pages on a kindle and at times I was reduced
to 2-space indents etc. But I don't think Idle should be constrained too
much by that. It's certainly not something that beginners are going to
care about.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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