On 2/14/2022 7:14 AM, Beni Cherniavsky-Paskin wrote:
FWIW on linux (fedora 35, gnome on Xorg, python & IDLE 3.10.2, Tk 8.6.10) it seems to generally not type anything non-ascii. I added a "Tamil (TamilNet 99))" layout and I can't type any tamil letters into IDLE — nothing happens unless it's a digit or punctuation shared with ASCII.
But same happens with my Hebrew and Russian layouts!

Copy-paste of all these languages from other apps works.

Sorry, I don't know enough about Tk[inter] to help, other than confirming this.

I tried another random python/Tkinter app (`tkconch`) and it has same behavior in a single-line text input. However, `git citool` which is non-python pure Tk lets me type all the above languages into a single-line text input.

I wonder if git citool is using the same tk8.6.10 as Python or if it includes a private and carefully selected tk source.

In any case, if tk works and tkinter does not, for non-ascii entry, there is a tkinter issue that could be reported on bpo. Or someone could gather more data on python-list.

Terry Jan Reedy
IDLE-dev mailing list

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