On 11/6/2022 5:02 AM, Pavlos Koutroubas wrote:

I am trying to save a new file using the python idle, version 2.7.11, but the file remains untitled. I restart my laptop, but the problem persists
Please suggest a solution

First, start IDLE from a command line terminal with
python -m idlelib.idle
Open a new editor window and try to save it with a new filename.
Look in your file finder application and see if there is a new blank file with the name you gave. If not, you must fix the problem; it is not IDLE. Check your command-line terminal for an error message. If a file was saved, but the title of the IDLE editor did not change, you have a buggy version of IDLE. Upgrade at least to 2.7.18, if not to 3.10 or 3.11.

Terry Jan Reedy

IDLE-dev mailing list

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