Email berikut bermula dari diskusi di milis ccTLD mengenai
penggunaan DNS server selain BIND. 
Ditanyakan apakah ada ccTLD yang menggunakan DNS server lain
dan bagaimana dengan performancenya? dll.

Mungkin ada rekan-rekan yang suka ngulik yang bisa melakukan
perbandingan dan menceritakan pengalamannya?

-- budi

----- Forwarded message from Daniel Karrenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Daniel Karrenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [cctld-discuss] ccTLD not using BIND
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 08:37:06 +0200

[note that I am not reading the lists regularly]


You may want to look at nsd:

This is an authoritative-only server designed to provide 
open source code diversity from bind. It has *very* nice 
performance characteristics established in comprehensive 
lab tests using real queries to the root, .de and .nl. 

It is free and open source. I have been involved in the 
design and done the testing part. The test results are 
published and included in the distribution as well.

The main motivation for writing nsd were concerns about
the lacking code diversity at the root and TLD levels
of the DNS that were voiced late last year. Thus I will
be happy to support anyone in that region of the DNS tree
to deploy it.

A very short presentation about it can be found at

A more extensive one at

A thorough description of the testing and the observed
differences between the answers of bind8 and nsd can
be found at

The details about the regression tests are part of the
distribution too.


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