Dalam diskusi di ccTLD, masalah policy dari zone transfer menjadi
sebuah masalah besar. Intinya adalah:
- IANA mengharuskan ccTLD untuk memperbolehkan IANA melakukan
  zone transfer. (Ini ditekankan pada ICP-1 dan tidak pada RFC 1591!)
  Banyak TLD yang merasa keberatan dikarenakan ini dianggap pelanggaran
  terhadap privacy client mereka dan disebabkan tidak adanya perjanjian
  resmi antara ccTLD dan IANA tentang ICP-1.
  (Diskusinya *rame* sekali!)
- Kita (.ID) memperkenankan zone transfer ke IANA
- Tapi kita tidak memperkenankan/menyediakan whois.
  (Sebaliknya banyak TLD yang menyediakan whois)
  Dalam pandangan saya, lucu sekali kalau tidak memperbolehkan zone
  transfer tapi memperbolehkan whois dengan alasan privacy.
  Whois memiliki data-data yang lebih lengkap (pendaftar, alamat, dll.)
  dibandingkan dengan data-data yang ada di zone files (hanya teknis

-- budi

----- Forwarded message from Josh Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Subject: RE: [cctld-discuss] ICANN Zone Access FAQ
From: "Josh Elliott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 09:33:39 -0700

Thanks, Kim.

First, let me say that I am encouraged by IANA's attempt to fix this
very serious problem.  In the case of .CX, it took IANA 2 months to make
a requested nameserver addition to the root.

Q15 (Has IANA always required access to zone files?) and Q16 (Has the
IANA always exercised its access to check zone files at the time of
nameserver changes?) are partly inaccurate.  Further explanation below:

I can only speak to my operational experience at IANA from 1996-2000.
Prior to 1996, only Joyce Reynolds would have operational experiences.

Q15 - IANA always required access to zone files upon delegation, and it
was our desire that ccTLDs keep the zones open continuously, but if they
didn't, we DID NOT refuse nameserver changes or any other TLD update.  

As most of you know, this policy was never strictly enforced or stated
until the creation of ICP-1.  I believe the intention of ICP-1 was to
create greater stability among ccTLD operations and to also create a
closer relationship between IANA and ccTLD managers.  This backfired for
numerous reasons, but primarily due to IANA's inability/unwillingness to
communicate and work constructively with the ccTLD community during the
first 18 months of ICANN's stewardship of IANA.

Q16 - Beginning in 1996, we did not strictly enforce any AXFR
requirement, especially with managers we knew and trusted.  Again, zone
file access was not a serious requirement, and the IANA's inability to
transition from a soft policy to a strict one has led us to this current
crisis.  Furthermore, there was not a problem of dedicated IANA
resources during the 1999-2001 period under ICANN, but rather a desire
from IANA's perspective to maintain relatively fast TLD changes and
continue building good relationships with TLD managers.

I hope IANA will modify this FAQ accordingly.


Josh Elliott
.CX Policy Board Advisor

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kim Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 2:08 AM
>Subject: [cctld-discuss] ICANN Zone Access FAQ
>Dear all,
>ICANN had just released this document on Zone Transfers:
> Kim Davies - Technical Policy Officer
> Council of European National TLD Registries
> direct: +43 662 872563 12; main: +44 1865 332400

----- End forwarded message -----
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