"R Rusdiah @ Micronics" wrote:
APEC Project : "Transforming the Digital Divide into a Digital Opportunity -
Phase  II"

APEC Workshop on e-Business and Supply Chain Management

Venue:     Hotel Sari Pan Pacific
Date:        Jakarta, 17 - 19 September 2002


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  Cara Pembayaran :         Cash          Transfer

 Sebagai pengganti konsumsi dan materi   Rp. 250.000 (dua ratus lima puluh ribu

 ....  September 2002

      Catatan :
 Setelah diisi agar dikembalikan ke Sekretariat Panitia   APEC Workshop on
E-Business & Supply Chain Management
        Fax ke : 021-3842526 atau e-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]


10.30 - 11.30 Case Studies in e-Supply Chain Management - Cross Border
Operations (II)

In the global electronics industry, worldwide sourcing and distribution are
critical.  In this session, the presenter will discuss a case that illustrates
how to set up a global supply chain.

Presenter: Mr. Chit-Pin Teh, Singapore

11.30 - 12.00 Q & A and Panel Discussion
Panelists: Mr. Mr. Prashanta Mukherjee/Dr. Jen-nan Chen

12.00 - 13.30    Working Lunch

Afternoon Session (Moderator : Mr. Chit-Pin Teh, Singapore)

13.30 - 14.30 Economy Reports: Presentations by Delegates from 4-5 Member
Economies (15 minutes per presenter)
DR. Richard Mengko, Ministry of Research and Technology, (Indonesia)

14.30 - 14.50 Q&A and Panel Discussion
Panelists: Mr. Paul Kimberly / Mr. Michael Conlin

14.50 - 15.10 Coffee Break

15.10 - 16.10  --tba--

16.10 - 16.30 --tba--

16.30 - 17.00 Economy Reports: Presentations by Delegates from 4-5 Member
Economies (15 minutes per presenter)
Q&A and Panel Discussion

Panelists: Dr. Jen-nan Chen / Mr. Prashanta Mukherjee

Wrap -  Up

In this session, five speakers will sum up their viewpoints /observations and
discuss environmental, business, technology and management issues of e-supply
chains with all participants.

(Dr. Jen-nan Chen / Mr. Prashanta Mukherjee/ Mr. Paul Kimberly /  Mr. Michael
Conlin  / Mr. Chit-Pin Teh)

10.40 - 11.40

Added Values of e-Supply Chains: CRM and Knowledge Management

In sound ERP and e-supply chain management, the introduction of customer
relationship management and knowledge management systems greatly help an
enterprise create strategic relationships with its customers. This presentation
will discuss CRM implementation, integrating CRM with e-supply chains, the value
of knowledge management, and knowledge -based innovative business models.

Speaker: Mr. Paul Kimberley, Independent e-business Consultant, Australia

11.40 - 12.00
Q&A and Panel Discussion
Panelists: Dr. Jen-Nan Chen / Mr. Michael Conlin

12.00 - 13.30
Working Lunch

13.30 - 17.00
Industrial Tour  to Pasaraya Grande and Millenia Net Cafe

Day Three - Thursday, September 19, 2002

Morning Session (Moderator: Mr. Prashanta Mukherjee, New Zealand)

09.00 - 10.00
Case Studies in e-Business Chain Management  - Domestic Operations (I)

This case study on the set-up of a domestically oriented supply chain in the
manufacturing industry, will address critical business and technical issues that
enterprises commonly face.

Presenter: Mr. Michael Conlin, U.S.A./ Mr. Indra Utoyo,

10.00 - 10.20
Q&A and Panel Discussion
Panelists: Mr. Paul Kimberly / Mr. Chit-Pin Teh

15.20 - 16.20

The Cornerstone  of the e-Supply Chain: ERP

Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, is the cornerstone of setting up e-business.
This presentation will discuss the development of ERP, ERP implementation
strategies, the decision process, the selection and evaluation of ERP partners,
and the critical success factors of ERP implementation.

Speaker: Chit-Pin Teh, Senior Director, eBusiness, Seagate Technology

16.20 - 16.40
Q&A and Panel Discussion
Panelists: Mr. Paul Kimberly/ Dr. Jen-Nan Chen

19.00 -  21.00
Welcoming Dinner hosted by H.E. Mr. Syamsul Mu,arif,  Minister of Communications
and Information, (Venue To Be Advice)

Day Two - Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Morning Session   (Moderator: Dr. Jen-Nan Chen, President, Trade-VAN Information
Services Company, Chinese Taipei)

09.00 - 10.00
The Implementation of e-Supply Chains
The e-Supply Chain is an extension of ERP which significantly enhances the
competitiveness of the enterprise. This session will review the values brought
by a fully digitized supply chain, the classifications and structures of the
e-supply chain, and the step-by-step strategies of establishing an e-supply
Speaker: Mr. Michael Conlin, President, Conlin & Associates, U.S.A.

10.00 - 10.30
Q&A and Panel Discussion
Panelists: Mr. Chit Pin Teh / Mr. Prashanta Mukherjee
APEC Workshop on e-Business and Supply Chain Management
(As a project under "Transforming The Digital Divide Into A Digital
Opportunity,  Phase II")
Hotel Sari Pan Pacific
Jakarta, 17 - 19 September 2002
Day One - Tuesday, September 17, 2002

08.30 - 09.00

Collection of Accreditation Passes and Workshop Papers by participants
Venue:  Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta
Jl. MH. Thamrin, Jakarta 10340

09.00  - 09.10
Welcoming Remarks by Mr. J.B. Kristiadi, Secretary to the Ministry of
Communications and Information of the Republic of Indonesia.

09.10 - 09.20
Remarks by APEC Project Leader (Chinese Taipei )

09.20 - 09.25
Brief introduction of 5 speakers by APEC Project Leader (Chinese Taipei )

09.25 - 09.45
Keynote Speech by His Excellency Mr. Syamsul Mu'arif, Minister of Communications
and Information of the Republic of Indonesia.

Morning Session (Moderator:  Ms. Roem Lintang Soeharto Minister's Expert Staff
for Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information of the
Republic of Indonesia)

09.30 - 10.20
Government Policy and Business Environment that Favor the Formation of

This presentation aims at reviewing the key environmental factors that are
critical to the formation of e-business. It will cover the discussion of legal
framework that facilitates electronically transmitted business transactions,
telecommunication infra-structures, the supply of trained professionals, and
selection of target industries, etc.

Speaker: Mr. Prashanta Mukherjee, the Principal @ Prashanta.Com, New Zealand

10.20 - 10.40
Q&A and Panel Discussion
Panelists: Dr. Jen-Nan Chen /Mr. Michael Conlin

10.40 - 10.50
Coffee Break

10.50 - 11.50
The Process of Setting up an e-Supply Chain

This presentation will introduce the step-by-step planning process to transform
a conventional enterprise into e-business. It discusses the reengineering of
organizations and processes, the evaluation of technology platforms, and method
of measuring the cost / benefits.

Speaker: Mr. Paul Kimberley, Independent e-business Consultant, Australia

11.50 - 12.10
Q&A and Panel Discussion
Panelists: Mr. Chit Pin Teh / Mr. Prashanta Mukherjee

12.10  - 13.30

Working Lunch

Afternoon Session (Moderator :  Mr. Michael Conlin, President, Conlin &
Associates, U.S.A.)

13.30 - 14.30
The e-Marketplace and its Implications for Business

The emergence of the digital economy creates many business models. This
presentation will introduce the key e-business models and their implications to
the buyers, sellers, and middlemen. It covers the e-market place, e-commerce,
m-commerce and other B2B business models.

Speaker: Dr. Jen-Nan Chen, President, Trade-VAN Information Services Company,
Chinese Taipei

14.30 - 15.00
Q&A and Panel Discussion
Panelists: Mr. Paul Kimberley / Mr. Chit-Pin The/ Mr. Rudi Rusdiah of Indonesia

APEC WORKSHOP on  e-Business and Supply Chain Management

Untuk menghadapi peluang dan tantangan yang meningkat di era ekonomi global, dan
seiring dengan pengembangan telematika/ICT dan e-business pada saat ini, APEC
telah menempatkan pengembangan dan pemanfaatan kapabilitas e- business sebagai
salah satu agenda utamanya. Mengentaskan kesenjangan digital menjadi elemen
dasar dari agenda tersebut. Untuk mengatasi kekhawatiran bahwa kesenjangan
digital tersebut dapat berdampak pada kesenjangan socio-ekonomi di wilayah Asia
Pasific, maka sangat dirasa perlu untuk memperkuat pembangunan kapasitas
(capacity building) melalui kemitraan dalam rangka meyakinkan bahwa setiap
komponen, termasuk negara-negara berkembang. Dunia usaha dan Usaha
Kecil-Menengah, mendapatkan kemudahan-kemudahan dari perubahan/ transformasi
masyarakat menuju masyarakat digital.
Inisiatif "Transforming the Digital Divide Into a Digital Opportunity",
diusulkan oleh China Taipei dan didukung oleh Menteri-Menteri APEC pada November
2000. Fase pertama dari inisiatif tersebut, berupa simposium, telah dilaksanakan
di Taipei pada Juli 2001. Kemudian fase kedua, lewat survey dari 12 negara
berkembang yang didapatkan pada November 2001 menunjukan bahwa Supply Chain
Management dan kapasitas UKM (SME) melakukan e-Business menempati salah satu
kebutuhan prioritas dalam membangun masyarakat digital.
Dengan dasar pemikiran diatas, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi bersama Asia
Pacific Economic Cooperation  (APEC) menyelenggarakan workshop 3 (tiga) hari
sebagai tindak lanjut dari APEC Project tersebut. Workshop tersebut akan
diselenggarakan di Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jakarta, tanggal 17 - 19 September

1. Memberikan asistensi kepada negara-negara berkembang, terutama pada sektor
publik dan dunia usaha, dalam mengembangkan dan melaksanakan digitalisasi Supply
Chain Management (SCM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), dan lain-lain.

1.Membantu meningkatkan kapasitas bisnis, termasuk UKM/SME, dan jaringannya
terhadap produsen, konsumen dan mitra usaha, dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan
produktifitas, efisiensi dan daya saing global.

2.Sebagai wahana pertukaran informasi dan pengalaman di dalam pengembangan
e-business, khususnya sektor UKM/SME antara negara anggota APEC serta untuk
mengembangkan kemitraan dan kerjasama.

Workshop ini diselenggarakan selama 3 hari yang akan mencakup kegiatan berikut
Presentasi , oleh pembicara dari dalam dan luar negeri yang kompeten mengenai
e-business dan Supply Chain Management

Diskusi panel, studi kasus dan tanya jawab.

Industrial Tour, mengunjungi Pasaraya Grande dan Millenia Net Cafe untuk melihat
"Supply Chain Management" dan Multipurpose Community Internet Centre  (MCIC).


Pembicara dalam Workshop , berasal dari Luar Negeri yang mewakili pemerintah dan
dunia, para konsultan management e-business antara lain dari Australia, New
Zealand, USA, Singapore, Chinese Taipei dll. Sedangkan dari dalam negeri dari
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi, PT.
Telkom, dan dunia usaha.
Sekitar 150 peserta diharapkan hadir pada workshop ini, diantaranya sekitar 50
orang peserta luar negeri berasal dari negara-negara anggota APEC dan peserta
dalam negeri diharapkan adalah wakil dari lembaga pemerintahan, dunia usaha
termasuk UKM/SME yang bergerak di bidang IT, perguruan tinggi,  pengguna dan
pengamat IT.


Workshop diselenggarakan selama 3 hari pada tanggal 17 s/d 19 September 2002,
Pukul 08.00 s/d 17.30 WIB, di Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jakarta


Workshop  diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi bersama
Board of Foreign Trade, Chinese Taipei.


Sebagai pengganti konsumsi dan materi workshop sebesar Rp. 250.000 (dua ratus
lima puluh ribu rupiah).


Untuk registrasi bisa langsung menghubungi :

Panitia APEC Workshop on Business and Supply Chain Management, Kantor
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi :
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No 9 Lt. 7. Jakarta 1010
Biro Data, Perencanaan dan KLN
Telepon (62-21) 3842526
Fax (62-21) 3842526

Contact Person :  Suardi Nur, Endang Suparman &
  Dewi Kartikasari
atau :
dilakukan melalui fax dengan terlebih dahulu mengisi formulir registrasi,
beserta foto copy bukti setor/ transfer ke :

Bank  Mandiri
Cabang Kebon Sirih, No. 121-0002051153

Untuk konfirmasi kepesertaan selambat-lambatnya tanggal 16 September 2002.

Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Webhosting http://www.garudaWeb.com
http://www.indopc.com (Online Store -MicronicsInternusa & AsriCitra Pratama)  
http://www.milenia.net Where the EGeneration @ (Millenia Net Cafe)

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