--- Start of Idrisi List message

Thanks to all of those that replied to my question regarding reading
Landsat7 imagery in Idrisi. What I should have specified was that I am using
unprocessed -- level 0R -- data. Below are the responses I got, including
one from Stefano Crema at Clark Labs. The most useful one (for me) was from
Grant Simpson, Wilfrid Laurier University. Thanks Grant!

I am still having the problem that the data are really raw and there seems
to be a great deal of pixel shifting. Any suggestions??



*** Here's the method that I found useful. ***

Landsat 7 imagery is stored using Hierarchical Data Format (HDF).  With a
browser such as SciSpy (http://www.SciSpy.com) you could determine the
number of
rows and columns.  Once determined PARE may be used to access the imagery in
Idrisi.  This operation was successfully completed with IfWv2.   Hope this

*** From Michelle Sammut. ***

I had your same problem.  I have managed to solve it by finding the number
columns and number of rows from another image processing software called
MultiSpec.  When you open the image with this software it gives you the
of rows and columns.  You can download this software from:

The header size is the same as the number of columns.

** If your data are in FAST Format, Idrisi will soon support. ***

The Clark Labs is just finishing up a new module that converts Landsat 7
FAST format directly to Idrisi32. Please check the web in the next few

In the mean time you can create a new documentation file (rdc) based on the
header file. For bands 1,2,3,4,5, and 7 the header file has a 'HRF.FST' at
the end of the file name. For bands 6L and 6H the header file has a
'HTM.FST' at the end of the file name. For band 8 the header file has a
'HPN.FST' at the end of the file name.

Depending on the bands needed, open the appropriate header and extract the
info needed for the documentation file in Idrisi32. These information are;

pixels per line = (Columns)
lines per band  = (rows)
pixel size = (resolution)
geometric data map projection = (ref system) (most likely it will be UTM)
USGS map zone = (ref system)
          if ref system is 'UTM' include UTM, ZONE and 'N' or 'S' under ref
system. for example UTM-11S
ul = ######W #######N (min x) (first number after 'N' or 'S')
ul = ######W #######N ####### (max y) (second number after 'N' or 'S')
lr = ######W #######N (max x) (first number after 'N' or 'S')
lr = ######W #######N ####### (min y) (second number after 'N' or 'S')
Bellow is an example of a rdc created from a landsat 7 FAST format header
file format : IDRISI Raster A.1
file title  : Band 1 extracted from L71041034_03419990702_B10.fst
data type   : byte
file type   : binary
columns     : 8001
rows        : 7201
ref. system : UTM-11S
ref. units  : m
unit dist.  : 1.0
min. X      : 340800.000
max. X      : 580800.000
min. Y      : 4038900.000
max. Y      : 4254900.000
pos'n error : unknown
resolution  : 30.00
min. value  : 0
max. value  : 255
display min : 0
display max : 255
value units : unspecified
value error : unknown
flag value  : none
flag def'n  : none
legend cats : 0
lineage     : This file was created by the FastIdris module with the command
lineage     :
The final step is to copy the appropriate band and give it a 'rst'
extension. The files have the following end; band1 = b10.fst, band2 =
b20.fst, band3 = b30.fst, band4 = b40.fst, band5 = b50.fst, band6L =
b61.fst, band6H = b62.fst, band7 = b70.fst, and band7 = b70.fst.


  Todd Albert
  Byrd Polar Research Center
  Department of Geography
  Ohio State University

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