--- Start of Idrisi List message

The latest Idrisi32 update, version I32.04, is now available for free
download from the Clark Labs website at www.clarklabs.org.

Major additions and fixes since version I32.02 include:
New module added to the Import menu to import LANDSAT 7 Fast Format Imagery.
Added option to use comma delimiters.
The previous version limited image size to 1024 x 768. The limit is now
32,000 x 32,000.

See the website for a complete list of major fixes. You may install the
I32.04 patch on top of either I32.01 or I32.02.



Ms. Michele Fulk
Asst. Director for Programs
Clark Labs, Clark University
950 Main St., Worcester, MA 01610-1477
phone: +1-508-849-2311
fax: +1-508-793-8842

--- End of Idrisi List message

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