--- Start of Idrisi List message I would like to bring to the attention of the IDRISI-L members the release of an update version of the CrimeStat spatial statistics program, distributed by the National Institute of Justice's (NIJ) Crime Mapping Research Center. CrimeStat is a free program for the statistical analysis of crime and other incident locations, developed by Ned Levine & Associates of Annandale, VA.. The program is Windows based and interfaces with many desktop GIS programs. The aim is to provide supplemental statistical tools to aid analysts and researchers in statistically describing the distribution of incidents. Many of these tools are useful for geographers (e.g., describing clusters of low-income housing recipients; describing shifts in the spatial distribution of shopping trips; describing the distribution of burglary incidents relative to the underlying population distribution). There are also grid outputs which would allow them to be read by IDRISI. Version 1.1 is an update to the first version which was released in November 1999 and fixes some problems associated with 1.0 (e.g., improved performance in Windows 98), adds new database features, (e.g., the ability to handle missing values), makes improvements to some of the existing routines (e.g., edge corrections to Ripley's K statistic), and adds new journey to crime calibration and estimation routines. The latter technique is an adaptation of location/travel behavior theory. It could be used, for example, to identify an optimal location to place a senior citizen center given the distribution of seniors in a community and assumptions about their travel behavior. The program is fully documented with update notes and a new chapter on journey to crime estimation. There are also sample data sets provided. The new version can be downloaded from either NIJ's Crime Mapping Research Center web site: www.ojp.usdoj.gov/cmrc or the web site of the NIJ archivist: www.icpsr.umich.edu/NACJD/crimestat.html Ned Levine, PhD Ned Levine & Associates Annandale, VA --- End of Idrisi List message IDRISI-L is an unmoderated list. As a service to list users, please post a summary of useful responses to your questions. To post a message to IDRISI-L, send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To subscribe to the list, send an email from the address to be subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "subscribe" (without quotes) as the first line of the message body. To unsubscribe, do the same, only with "unsubscribe" as the first line of the message body.