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Hello List,

I'm having a problem with importing TIFFs.

When I try to use TIFIDRIS I get the message that my data is in 24bit BIP 
and I get the message to use BIPIDRIS.  IDRISI32 provides a summary that 
includes some TIF file structure information.

When I use BIPIDRIS it is asking for Max and Min X and Y coodindates in the 
output reference information.  My world file looks like this


and doesn't contain this info.  How can I determine the max and min x and y.



Peter Conrad
Environmental Planner
Baltimore City Department of Planning
417 East Fayette street, 8th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
410-396-4264 phone
410-244-7358 fax
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embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." - 
Albert Einstein

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