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Hello everyone,

I am a GIS novice...I hope someone can help me sort out a little problem...

I would like to be able to calculate the distance that all pixels in a DEM
are, in terms of flow length, away from a stream.  I guess it is a bit like
the RUNOFF module, except in reverse, and with the stream as a source image.
Something very similar to this is sometimes referred to as Flow Path Length.
How can I do this with a minimum of fuss in Idrisi32?

I have tried to fudge it using an anisotropic cost surface (VARCOST and
DISPERSE) using a 'reversed' aspect direction image and a image of the
stream as a source image but the results I am getting just aren't right (the
catchment has an unusual shape).  I suppose I could isolate each of the
sub-catchments and use the point of the catchment outlet as a source image,
but the process seems fairly cumbersome, especially for a newbie like me,
when there are so many sub-catchments emanating from the stream.

Am I looking at this the right way?  Can anyone help me with a recipe for
producing this Flow Path Length map?

Please excuse my ignorance and thank you very much in advance for any


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