--- Start of Idrisi List message
    I have had a similar question.  When importing an aerial photograph or
satellite image that is unprojected, latlong is not correct, but it is not
obvious what the alternative is since "row/column" is not offered.
Clyde Spencer

-----Original Message-----
From: ivan shukster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2000 11:53 AM
Subject: Idrisi-L : xyzidrisi

>--- Start of Idrisi List message
>I have a data set of x and y coordinates and z values in a text file.
>If I bring it into Idrisi in the XYZ import it asks for a reference
>system.  Lat long is not a vialable option for this set as the values of
>x range from -100 to +100 and are not latitude or longitude but a simple
>grid refereence system.
>    Is the another import option I should use ? What reference sytem is
>available to call up other than latlong?  Thanks
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