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>Does anyone have a tip on how to change the black background color on 
>24-bit composites from within Idrisi32? It uses up alot of ink 
>unnecessarily. Will sum. Thanks.

Thanks to those who offered suggestions. None of them worked directly, but 
they got me to think along the right line. The specific problem was as 
follows. I have a window from a Landsat 7 scene which I have further masked 
to show only the irregularly-shaped region of interest (background = 0). 
When I create a 24-bit composite in Idrisi32 (e.g. bands 4,3,2), the 
background is given a "true color" RGB value of 0,0,0 or black. To change 
the black background to white, I started by reclassing the original boolean 
mask background value (0) to 255. I used the overlay module with each band 
to change the background value to 255. Finally, I created the composite. 
The background had an RGB value of 255,255,255 or white. This isn't the 
most efficient process, but it works.

Richard A. Rupp
Agricultural Research Technologist
Remote Sensing & GIS
Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences
Washington State University
Pullman WA 99164-6420
Ph. 509.335.2381
FAX 509.335.8674 

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