--- Start of Idrisi List message

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This link is on the Technical Support section of the Clark Labs web site.
The service lists the messages chronologically and also provides a keyword
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Ms. Michele Fulk
Asst. Director for Programs
Clark Labs, Clark University
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phone: +1-508-849-2311
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 3:37 PM
Subject: Idrisi-L : concern

--- Start of Idrisi List message
There are many ways to archive mail lists so that the accumulated
messages are searchable and sorted by thread, by date, by
subject, etc., etc.  It would be a great asset to the whole
Idrisi community to be able to access all the messages. 
Unfortunately, I don't know how to set it up.

> > Does anyone sum the reponses to questions made on the list server?
> > If this is not going to occur than I am not going to answer
> > peoples questions any longer.
>      I agree.  The whole list should see the answers, either by replying
> to idrisi-l or by posting a summary of useful responses.  A question from
> one Idrisian is probably a question for many Idrisians, so the posting of
> answers or a summary of solutions to the list would be useful for
> everyone and more collegial.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Orin Durey, Baker Lake, Nunavut, Canada
VY0DU  M5-235C
--- End of Idrisi List message

IDRISI-L is an unmoderated list. As a service to list users, please post a 
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "subscribe" (without quotes) as the first line 
of the message body. To unsubscribe, do the same, only with "unsubscribe" 
as the first line of the message body.
--- End of Idrisi List message

IDRISI-L is an unmoderated list. As a service to list users, please post a 
summary of useful responses to your questions.
To post a message to IDRISI-L, send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To 
subscribe to the list, send an email from the address to be subscribed to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "subscribe" (without quotes) as the first line 
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