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Hello everyone,
is there any of you who has an algoritm or a script or extension (Fortran,
VB, Avenue) to calculate the amount of annual sunlight, considering the sun
position relative to the position and the elevation (from a DEM). I'm
searching through the Web, but so far I've found only a script in AML (Arc
Macro Language of ArcInfo) which calculates the position of the sun
(altitude and zentih) for a given location and time.
Thanks a lot.

Gabriele Antolini

Unità Ricerca e Sviluppo
Area Agrometeorologia e Territorio
ARPA - Servizio Meteorologico Regionale
40122, Viale Silvani 6, Bologna, Italia
tel +39/051-28 45 99, fax 28 46 64

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